I had to go court a couple of weeks ago,thankfully because it was my first real offence and the judge could appreciate it was out of character plus under extreme circumstances so i didnt go down.
Ive got to go back to court next month and probation on Thursday... The judge was thinking of community service but because of my problems it really might not be suitable.As if i say have a panick attack and dont go one day i can be sent down.So there considering a curfew for me.. which means ill be electronicaly tagged for 6 months to a year.the thing is... i dont really go out at the moment at all because i find it too hard... but am i going to isolate myself more by not even having the chance to go out on tag.
Im thinking i should bite the bullet and just go for community service and try and get some good out of this whole mess by maybe doing unpaid work in a charity shop to get a little confidence.But i really am that bad at the moment i cant even be around the few fammily or friends i have.. my depression is so severe im literaly not eating or getting up... so im worried if its actualy realistic to think i can do it.I really dont know if this is maybe the push i need or if im setting myself up to fail.?
Ive got to go back to court next month and probation on Thursday... The judge was thinking of community service but because of my problems it really might not be suitable.As if i say have a panick attack and dont go one day i can be sent down.So there considering a curfew for me.. which means ill be electronicaly tagged for 6 months to a year.the thing is... i dont really go out at the moment at all because i find it too hard... but am i going to isolate myself more by not even having the chance to go out on tag.
Im thinking i should bite the bullet and just go for community service and try and get some good out of this whole mess by maybe doing unpaid work in a charity shop to get a little confidence.But i really am that bad at the moment i cant even be around the few fammily or friends i have.. my depression is so severe im literaly not eating or getting up... so im worried if its actualy realistic to think i can do it.I really dont know if this is maybe the push i need or if im setting myself up to fail.?