What really annoys me...

About a year ago I went to see a psychiatrist about my social phobia, and what really annoyed me was his reaction. He tried to tivialise it and make it out as though i was making a big deal about nothing.
To me social phobia is something, its been running my life for the past fourteen years, I think about it when I wake up in the morning and I think about it when I go to sleep at night. It is affecting me in so many ways. I can't seem to escape it, socialising is a part of living, so to me it is a big deal.


Well-known member
Exactly, just because he doesn't suffer from it, doesn't mean that its consequences for you are ant less severe. Maybe you could see a different psychologist?.


Well-known member
That sounded so like a doctor I had.He told me he don't believe in social phobia.It was just that I was not trying hard enough.


Well-known member
That should not stop you from trying.There are a lot bad ones out there but there's a lot of good one out there to.The probelm is its hard find a good one and you might have to go to some bad one .Which I know can be really hard.


Well-known member
Sounds like an idiot psychiatrist I went to awhile back...which by the way, was the LAST time I saw a psychiatrist. After that, I realized what a waste of time it is...all they care about is giving you pills and making their stupid money.
Anyway, he blamed me & my parents for my social phobia. What an idiot. I wanted to hit him. :evil: Actually if anyone's at fault, it's idiots like him. I just wanted to cry and hurt myself after I saw that bastard.
And actually awhile back, my mom wanted me to see someone again after that(different one), so I agreed to it, made an appointment, showed up and guess what...the idiot psychiatrist wasn't even there! No one was in the office. Gee, that shows just how much they REALLY care about people with mental problems. :roll: I drove down there for nothing...I hate psychiatrists.


Well-known member
he was an idiot...my mom made the mistake of mentioning that i was homeschooled for about 3 and 1/2 years, and he said "oh, that's your problem! you should have never homeschooled her. if you had made her stay in school, she wouldn't have social phobia."
what a friggin idiot. i had social phobia when i was a LITTLE kid...in public school. the homeschooling had nothing to do with me having social phobia...it just prevented me from possibly going insane and blowing up the school building.
and then he was saying i HAD to MAKE myself do things...and if i couldnt do them, it was my fault, etc...etc... just everything he said made no sense whatsoever, to me....and really pissed me off.


Well-known member
I'M sorry you had to go through that LittleMissScareAll.He sound like a ass hole.Your homeschooling didnt cuase it thats for sure.I've been to people like that before just not as bad.


Well-known member
He tried to tivialise it and make it out as though i was making a big deal about nothing.

That's exactly what my psychologist did. I tried to explain what I was afraid of and other stuff and she just acted like it was nothing. Like she couldn't understand why I was afraid.
SA is one of those things that you have to have to be able to understand it. My best friend knows about it, and she keeps saying "Just TALK. It cant be that difficult! What are you afraid of?" Its even worse that a medical professional would say something like that though.


Well-known member
Have never been to one. But from the sounds of it your psychiatrist does seem a lot like a jack-ass. Needless to say I'm not a big fan of doctors or psychiastrists, I'm sure there are a few good ones out there though.


Well-known member
the doctor I went to see, 6 years ago, told me it was some generalized incomfort. And the psy I went to see, 9 months ago told me it was all caused by my mother and myself... Didn't go back on my next appointment. I hate doctors...


Well-known member
Well my psy is even worse, I go in the office, he asks how I'm doing, I tell him the meds don't work, he doesn't believe me but he ups the dose anyway, I pay 36 euros, and I'm out the office in 5 minutes...(most of that time is used for writing a subscription and paying)