What Now?

I told my mam about how i was feeling,

about me being "a bit shy"
and she told me to snap out of it and started shouting at me

I said i couldnt help it and she said yes you can.

I told and told her that i cant and she hasnt spoken to me since and that was a few hours ago

I havent been diagnosed with SA yet, but i just want to rule it out. I dont want to mention it to her. I have no idea what to do.


Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, I'm afraid you've stumbled upon one of the tragedies of life. This is a fate that many of us must deal with. Our parents may scorn us or cut off contact altogether. They may even go so far as to hate you. Some may simply not care. Clearly your mother is the ignorant sort who does not understand your problems. This is where you must make your choice to continue loving her or to hate her. I can only advise you in your possible options, what you decide to do is up to you.

If I am making this situation far more serious than it is however, please inform me. I have a feeling that I may be overreacting to this a bit?


Well-known member
hmmm it might be a good idea to go to the doctor and explain to him how you feel , you never know he might be able to help you , it might be sa but then you might just be really shy , im sorry your mum doesnt understand some parents are just like that , she probably shouted at you cos she has a lot going on in her mind at mo ...... just try again at a later date when your mum is in a good mood , just say mum can i talk to you about something , please dont get cross with me , but i really do need to talk to you about this , mums are usually quite good at stuff like that , good luck lol
Maybe your mum shouted at you because she feels guilty and feels that its her fault or she has let you down.
I would write a letter to her explaining how you feel, that way she has to take in what your saying and you can get it all out with out her interrupting you.
I think you should also go to your doctor and tell them how you are feeling, maybe get some info on SA and leave it about for your mum to read.
You do not need to make a choice on whether you carrying on loving her or start hating her though.


I told my mam about how i was feeling,

about me being "a bit shy"
and she told me to snap out of it and started shouting at me

I said i couldnt help it and she said yes you can.

I told and told her that i cant and she hasnt spoken to me since and that was a few hours ago

I havent been diagnosed with SA yet, but i just want to rule it out. I dont want to mention it to her. I have no idea what to do.


Sorry to hear about this. *hug*