What job do you have?


ESL Teaching

I teach English to kids at a nightschool in Taiwan.

Its a fantastic job, scares the shit out of me most every day, but getting up there is a rush. Standing infront of twenty young teenagers without a lesson plan and the possibility of being watched on video by parents or the boss downstairs is something that I try and drive out of my mind.

The older the students are, the harder it is. They (in my mind) percieve it as stranger when I don't say anything, or the awkwardness of it. Little kids are easier, but still, with either, between classes, I find it difficult to know what to do and what to say.

Talking with Taiwanese teachers between class is a real chore, never easy. There is the cultural barrier to contend with too, which makes misunderstanding easier, while there is possibly more to talk about. It's hard when they speak in Chinese and I can't understand what they are saying. I know for a fact that they talk about me behind my back.


Active member
I'm a graphic designer and i have to liase with clients, suppliers and then internal staff aswell...argh, you need good communication skills.

The alternative is doing a "mac operator" position which means less creative input and boring design but less need to liase with ppl.


Active member
I'm a graphic designer and i have to liase with clients, suppliers and then internal staff aswell...argh, you need good communication skills.

The alternative is doing a "mac operator" position which means less creative input and boring design but less need to liase with ppl.


Well-known member
i work as a cashier/receptionist/waterer( water the plants)....it an alright summery type of job...doesn't pay much but oh well.....ive had loots of customers especially during spring ..that was crazy....Id say I talk a little more than I used to before working there....(although my coworkers would claim im mute)... :D


Well-known member
yay marki, I bet you are happy!
Yes Im really happy ..i dont have to clean those @#$% toilets anymore.. :wink:
....i guess i chose cleaning because you hardly ever have to deal with ppl
I also chose cleaning for that reason, but i was wrong about that. I always had to work with someone together and everybody was always about 30 minutes earlier readdy and in those 30 minutes we all sat together...that was really depressing for me cause i could never get one word out of my mouth.. :(

Im still looking for the perfect non-social job..


Well-known member
ima cashier/receptionist/waterer(water the plants sometimes)...Ive had a lot of customers..somewhere maybe between 200- 500 or way more people this last spring was espeically crazy ..have delt with them all the ones picky about their plants information on their plants..who couldn't stand standing in line in the heat (hell Iv I had to stay there the whole time and didn't have the convinence of leaving if i felt like it) ...and there were the times Ive been in silent akward situtations with co-workes ...I just don't have anything to say to them.. still it was an nice summery type of job ...paid little but it was okay...i might be leaving it soon.


Well-known member
marki said:
Im still looking for the perfect non-social job..

I was thinking about this earlier - is it worth throwing yourself into the deep end by deliberately choosing a highly social job in order to get more comfy around other people, or would it be wiser to start off with a job with minimal social interactions and work your way up?

I do manual work for a toy company, and its as non-social as it gets. I only talk to my boss but even that can be difficult sometimes. I always force myself to do it though, and it has been a nice entry-level experience into the world of 8O ... work.

Before this I worked in a video game shop; social as hell, and terrifying. I only lasted 3 days. :lol:

Can't wait to graduate and start up a career. :)


Well-known member
I used to do cleaning of a night time by myself and found that the longer I worked on my own the less comfortable I felt around people. The more I avoided people the worse I got. Now the job I have now I have to talk to people and have realised not all people are as bad as what I thought they were. There are some really nice people out there.