What is "Normal"?


Well-known member
My goal is to find a way to cope with who I am, not to change. Self-acceptance is key.

I don't believe that being afraid of communicating with anyone or afraid of being seen in public is who I am. The fear is not a part of my personality, on the contrary it masks my true personality. I am not actually "who I am" unless I can change.


Well-known member
I don't believe that being afraid of communicating with anyone or afraid of being seen in public is who I am. The fear is not a part of my personality, on the contrary it masks my true personality. I am not actually "who I am" unless I can change.

That's how I feel about it. I'm a different person in my head from who I want to be. Just my shyness and lack of self confidence holds it back. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Just some points that float around in my head when reading this...

"Normal" is the desensitisation of ideology based on the majority groups point of view.
The things that are not normal immediately invoke responses.
Variations from the norm have been key in evolution.


Well-known member
I think normal is having a good work life or school life balance. I see my colleagues' children (almost same age as me) having a wonderful time in school. Busy with projects, taking part in student council, hanging out with friends, celebrating birthdays togeher. Such a fufilling life I never went through that.

Work life balance I see people working but also planning after work events with friends, weekend fun. Travel, shopping, dating. Relaxation basically. But for me its work come home, dinner and tv. Weekend eat, sleep & internet. Nothing else :crying:

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
I think normal is having a good work life or school life balance. I see my colleagues' children (almost same age as me) having a wonderful time in school. Busy with projects, taking part in student council, hanging out with friends, celebrating birthdays togeher. Such a fufilling life I never went through that.

Work life balance I see people working but also planning after work events with friends, weekend fun. Travel, shopping, dating. Relaxation basically. But for me its work come home, dinner and tv. Weekend eat, sleep & internet. Nothing else :crying:

I'm thinking about picking up tennis or archery. Maybe you should try to find something to learn every so often to break the cycle.


Active member
Normal is relative. Healthy, however, is defined not by the absence of social anxiety, but by the manageability of the quite common experience. The presence of adequate coping mechanisms and workable social skills combined with a lack of effect upon the actives and choices in day-to-day life differentiate the common and virulent strains of social anxiety. For example, in an unprecedented show of courage, I attended a book club in July. Out of twenty-something people, I doubt I was the only one who was nervous. I was the only one who did not speak even when spoken to, glared at an electrical socket conveniently located on the floor for (approximately) half an hour, then rashly bolted out to the bemused looks of the involved book-clubbers. I'll consider myself recovered when I do not grossly limit my activities to 'things not involving human contact' as ratio decidendi. I expect to feel free perhaps?


Well-known member
I'm thinking about picking up tennis or archery. Maybe you should try to find something to learn every so often to break the cycle.

I would pick something up, but I am just so mentally worn out I don't quite have the energy to do something to improve things. For years I did nothing finally I summon up every ounce of energy to fit in strucutre in my life, by getting a job so at least there is some kind of routine. But beyond that I lack mental energy to do more. I already expand all energies to even establish a routine. To gain more out of life by incorporating more aspects to this routine I think at this point is proving quite difficult.


Well-known member
"Normal" is just another label, for a concept of some guys idea of what we should all try to achieve. It is complete and utter b*llsh*t. It doesn't really exist except in the minds of people who've tricked themselves into believing they are the very meaning of that concept...

Kinda like safe. Safe is a feeling... Not really an achievable state. I mean, you are "safe" every moment you are not being killed by something... But, overall, really there is no such thing as safe... I mean, we could all be taken out by anything, any second... You never really know. So, this idea of being safe... It's just a label, a concept... B*llsh*t...

Good old fashioned b*llsh*t. America was founded on it. ;)