What is my problem? (An Introduction and Explaination. Long)


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Hey everybody, I've found a place that I hope can help me out a bit here. :)

I guess I should give some background information, then explain the problem. Sorry for the huge amount of info, but I want to make sure it's all covered. This is so important to me.

I am a 19 year old, currently a freshman in college. My dad died in a car accident 7 months before I was born. I was raised by my mother alone. I've got a brother who is 7 years older. I am not the typical 19 year old male. Ever since I hit 14 or so, I've been very mature. In 2000 when I was 13, I cared more about the presidential election and the debates than I did about the high school football games. Not only that, but I was a supporter of Bush! (Not so any more) I've always been a conservative thinker. I believe people should be responsible for their own actions, and for that reason, I've always done my best to be good. I know that nobody can be perfect; but I still try my hardest to be as close as possible. I've never given my mother any trouble. I've got a perfect driving record, I was a good student in high school, finishing with a 3.8 GPA, I've never smoked a cigarette, never done drugs, and I never drink excessively.

Why? I have my reasons. Why am I cautious when I drive? Why do I always wear my seatbelt, and require whoever is in my car to wear theirs as well? I know what a car can do. My dad was killed in an accident, and my life is vastly different because of it. I never knew the guy. Why do I not smoke, not as a minor or even now? As a minor, because it was illegal, as an adult, because it's unhealthy and it's expensive... DUH... It's common sense, right? Why do I not do drugs? Because they are illegal... again, duh. I am a goody-goody. I was raised to right, not wrong, I was raised to fear trouble, and I was raised to be responsible for myself.

I like being right. My philosophy is this: I will believe and defend my views. I will always debate with people as long as I have “my leg to stand on.” The second that I can not defend my views or myself, I realize change needs to be made. I never experimented with drugs, or cigarettes, or anything else, because I was given my warnings. If I had done those things and gotten caught... How do I defend myself? When my Mother asks me “What the hell were you thinking?” What do I answer? That's right, I can't. I've got no leg to stand on, because I KNEW it was wrong.

Now that you know my mentality, I can explain the situation that is SERIOUSLY harming me. I need help so bad, but I don't know where or how to start. Just a bit more background info for this... It involves a girl... Let's call her “K.” Her mother and father actually went to high school with my mother and were/are still good friends. We have in theory “known”each other since we were both really young. (She is about 5 months younger than me.) They live/d about 40 miles away from us, so we didn't see each other that often. The first time I really took notice of her... is where the problems began. My brother got married in June of 2002 and I was in the Grooms party. My mom invited “K's” Mother, Father, and sister to the wedding reception, along with “K” of course. I probably hadn't seen her in a few years, and my Mom told me to go around and say “hi” to everyone. So, I did so... and I was in for the surprise of my life. There was the family, which of course I was familiar with as a whole... but there was “K”... Beautiful brown/red hair, a smile that could stop my heart. I couldn't believe it was her. The “seed” of this problem plant was started right then. Back to this in a second.

I explained that I am a goody-goody type; I am not social outside of school. When in my first high school, (9th and 1st half of 10th grade) I was with the people I had grown up with. (I lived in that area for 12 years.) I was known by people IN class. I actually have a sense of humor that a lot of people enjoy. I was the “class clown who DID know when to quit.” I always was able to feel comfortable in that school district because I had known everyone so long. It was an upscale area, and very comforting. In April of 2003, 4 days after my 16th birthday, we moved from our house of 12 years to a new house... in the same city that K's family lived in. And this is where things start going crazy.

It's an inner city school system. CULTURE SHOCK! My first day was SO scary for me. I kept quite, avoided people, tried to close my eyes and pretend it was a dream. I didn't want to move in the first place, but it was even worse that I had to go to such a horribly notorious school. (2nd worst school in the state academically). I was lost at lunch time. I went into the cafeteria where about 250 students were, and I sat at the only vacant table I could find. I closed my eyes, and just counted the seconds until the period would end. I felt like everyone was looking at me; I felt AWFUL. Then, a beautiful young girl whom I haven't seen in 10 months comes out of the crowd, TOWARDS me, up to the table and sits down. It's K, and my heart instantly starts pounding, my mouth drying, my arms shaking. She asked how I was, how my day was going, you know, typical stuff. Then... the moment I've regretted for 3.5 years now... “Do you wanna hang out this weekend?” she asked me. Folks... I've had no experience... WHATSOEVER. Even now, I still don't. Had a GF? Nope. Been on a date? No. Kiss? No. Hug? No. I guess I wouldn't need to tell you I'm a virgin. So, I told her I can't because I have boxes to unpack. Now, that was true... I still had two boxes to unpack. The funny thing is, it was Wednesday, and the weekend starts Friday night... So I am pretty sure I had enough time. The fact is, I wanted to say yes, but was way to shy and nervous to say it. Perhaps having a father through that tough time of puberty would have helped? Instead, I learned everything off the Internet, and had nobody to talk to.

Anyway, no big deal, right? WRONG! We didn't really talk the rest of that school year again. Sure, had I went up to her and talked to her, we would have. But I played the stupid shy game and ruined it. But... The lord blessed me with another chance. In October, new school year, but still 2003; I receive a phone call. It's her, and she asks me if I'd like to take her to HOMECOMING! Answer??? Hell yeah. What did I say? No; except this time I didn't even have a semi-legit reason. Instead I said, “Please don't take this as me turning you down.” and she said, “You're turning me down?” in a joking way... I did it again. I let shyness ruin me. SHE WANTED ME! I had no fear of rejection. It was simple, “Yes”. I regret this crap so much because simply changing “No” to “Yes” in either or both of these cases could/would have drastically changed my life, I swear.

How would it? Because I am not the typical guy. I am a 19 year old healthy heterosexual male... Sex has most certainly crossed my mind. The key is, I have self control, and also good priorities. I'd rather be with someone I love, just talking, than having sex with the hottest woman in the world, who I care nothing about. I want affection, I want to love, and be loved... That's where the predicament lies now...

Fast forward to now... K and I have crossed paths since. After all, our parents are friends, and hell, we were/are still friends, just, she thought I didn't like her other than “knowing” her. The fact is... I am in love with her; and I have been for so long. She is such an amazing person. Her personality is incredible, she's generous, she's kind (she didn't have to be nice to me), she's athletic, she speaks her mind. And the icing on the cake happens to be that she is the most beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Her smile makes me feel good. Simply TALKING to her, makes my heart pound. Seeing her face... I am in LOVE. BUT, there is a problem. Through my stupid inactivity, my keeping this within my mind, my secrecy, she moved on. In fact, she never considered those two moments a big deal. I essentially rejected her, and she didn't let it bother her. Me on the other hand... They are two decisions I regret most in life, they are two things that have haunted me for 3 years... I think about them, and her EVERYDAY! Many days, especially nowadays, for hours and hours. She is always on my mind.

In June of this year, I finally got the balls to contact her. Of course, she lived less than a mile away, I could have called or went over there... but I am too damn chicken. So I found her on myspace, and kinda did a mini-confession. Basically, I told her I was sorry that I “rejected” her, and if I made her feel bad. I also thanked her for helping me through that difficult transition. She said it was no problem, and invited me to her open house that was going to be on July 1st.

This is how anxious I get with this stuff... When July 1st finally came around, it took me 45 MINUTES to get out of my car and walk to her house. I literally got out, and walked around the neighborhood talking to myself because I was so nervous. I finally stepped up to the plate and rang her doorbell... Mind you, I haven't seen her in about a year... She greets me at the door, and I am in shock. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen managed to get more beautiful. Again, my mouth starts to get dry, my arms and legs tingly, and my heart pounding. I handed her the envelope with her gift check I was giving her, and said, “I gotta run, family is eating out tonight. I'll try and make it back later though.” She said, “Okay, I can't wait for you to get back.”

I left and was shaking like crazy. I got in my car, headed home, and played my piano for 2 hours because I was so damn anxious. I couldn't believe the girl, nor could I believe what I had done. So I “had dinner with the family”, aka played my piano, then went back. I was there till 2AM talking... And I had an incredible time. I felt anxious the whole time, nervous, uncomfortable... But she is something else. Talking to her is FUN for me. It's so enjoyable. One thing she mentioned was where she was going to school, and how they had a program there that I would probably be interested in. (I love music) So, I looked into.

Skip ahead to NOW. October 3rd, 2006. I am going to school, the same school as her. The reason I am going here... Her. I want to make up for my past. I think about her and those days 3 years ago all the time. Every time I go to sleep, every time I awaken, she's on my mind. I pray for her health, her safe travels (Our school is about 5 hours away from our town, and she's go back home fairly often). She means the world to me, and I'd give my life for her without regret. The problem is; it's unrequited, or at least so far. She has a boyfriend, they've been together for 10 months. They started dating in High school, and I was already out of school at that time. (I am one grade ahead, but I took a year off after high school, again because of her. I couldn't leave). The problem is, this stuff has taken over my life, for years now. It's the ONLY thing on my mind. HER. Questions, “Why didn't you say yes”, “Why don't you just get over it.” I based my life over the past 3 years on her. I am at this school, sitting in my dorm right now, because she is here. I like this school and all, but if she were not here, I wouldn't be. She doesn't know, THESE details, and I want to tell her. Last Wednesday I got the courage to ask her if she'd like to have dinner with me at a restaurant. I said it could be a birthday present, as her birthday was the week before. She said she'd think about it because she wouldn't want to “upset the Mr.” She called me the next day and said yes, and I we did it. Folks, as pathetic as it is, that was my first “date.” It wasn't really a date, as it was completely innocent, no romance type stuff. I was hoping to take a nice walk with her afterwards and basically tell her ALL of this stuff. Sadly, it was raining and about 45 degrees, so no chance of that. Then, yesterday I asked if she'd want to talk after she ate dinner, and she said sure. But sadly she became a little under the weather. So now I am aiming for tomorrow, Wednesday.

Folks... What is wrong with me? I am a good person, I do my best to treat others well. I am a good Samaritan, I do things I don't HAVE to do. I am not a selfish person, but here I am essentially hoping to jam myself into her life, HOPING she may still have feelings for me. I am totally ignoring the fact she and her boyfriend are happy. So now I argue with myself about what's right and what's wrong. The problem is that I can't just “let go” or “get over” her. This isn't infatuation, this isn't about looks, it's not a “crush”. It's love. I LOVE her. I'd do any and everything for her, and I'd consider it an honor to have the duty of putting a smile on her face... Which oddly enough I do a lot. She finds my humor amusing. That smile then makes me feel incredible. I love her. But do I do something selfish and inject a bunch of MY emotion into something that doesn't involve me? If not, what do I do? How do I get over her. I know plenty of girls. I knew plenty in high school, I know plenty in college. They are either just “friends”, or they're the type I find “hot” I don't truly care about, and my good self control handles things.

I don't know what to do. I wake to, I live through, and I fall asleep to, thoughts of her. Thoughts of just talking to her. I want to be with her ALL of the time. I want to see her face, I want to make her smile. I want to laugh with her. It's so strong, I can't explain it. I've never cared about anybody this much. I've got family who I care about; but not in the same way. It's love, it has to be, right?

Sorry for so many words. 2746 words is a lot, and I appreciate anybody taking the time to read it and help me. I am so lost and I just need guidance. Thank you so much! God Bless all of you!


Well-known member
Your story sounds a lot like my life at 19 years old. I was in a very similar situation as well. I know exactly what it feels like to feel that obsession with someone and have the pain and guilt rip you apart out of fear. I missed all the opportunities…and I had plenty. Everything eventually built to a final meeting that would have set the stage to that ‘lived happily ever after’ but I locked up and couldn’t think nor talk. It all eventually turned out for the best and it ended up being the turning point in my life.

You sound very intelligent and a good person, so whatever happens, I'm sure you will come out of it for the better. The advice I would give is try to talk it out with her and tell her how you feel. Maybe online or through the computer if possible, because the anxiety and guilt (of what could be) from the last 3 years may cause a lot of problems in person (as it did in my situation) - there was just too much to live up to in my mind...


You should consider looking into counseling. Thats not love, thats a freaky kind of obsession. You cannot love somebody you hardly know. As for her boyfriend, if they are truly happy and she loves him, you dont have a chance regardless of what you do.

I'm going out with a very attractive girl right now that gets a lot of guys interested in her, but she loves me and i know how to treat a lady and i'm good in the sack so i have no worries.

Also, dont be afraid to be an asshole dude. Being nice gets you nowhere in life. It's true nice guys finish last, they dont say that for no reason. Not to be mean, but you were nice all your life and what do you have to show for that? Other than good grades, which i commend you on. Don't be afraid to let go of your self control, girls like guys that are wild and take control. Don't be so nice


Active member
Alexp said:
Your story sounds a lot like my life at 19 years old. I was in a very similar situation as well. I know exactly what it feels like to feel that obsession with someone and have the pain and guilt rip you apart out of fear. I missed all the opportunities…and I had plenty. Everything eventually built to a final meeting that would have set the stage to that ‘lived happily ever after’ but I locked up and couldn’t think nor talk. It all eventually turned out for the best and it ended up being the turning point in my life.

You sound very intelligent and a good person, so whatever happens, I'm sure you will come out of it for the better. The advice I would give is try to talk it out with her and tell her how you feel. Maybe online or through the computer if possible, because the anxiety and guilt (of what could be) from the last 3 years may cause a lot of problems in person (as it did in my situation) - there was just too much to live up to in my mind...

Thanks. I'm glad I am not the only one who has gone through this before. I feel so weird, you know? Like, how in the world can I be so stuck on one person. I AM an intelligent person, a logical and rational thinker... So I should know the "Other fish in the sea" kind of stuff, but no matter what I do, I can't think that way.

I will have an update later tonight in all likelihood. I am going to try and talk to her tonight about it, in person. I have to do it in person, I actually get 10X nervous on the phone because I can't see her. The type of person she is, even though I'm anxious around her, I'm still comfortable around here... If that makes any sense.

You should consider looking into counseling. Thats not love, thats a freaky kind of obsession. You cannot love somebody you hardly know. As for her boyfriend, if they are truly happy and she loves him, you dont have a chance regardless of what you do.

I'm going out with a very attractive girl right now that gets a lot of guys interested in her, but she loves me and i know how to treat a lady and i'm good in the sack so i have no worries.

Also, dont be afraid to be an asshole dude. Being nice gets you nowhere in life. It's true nice guys finish last, they dont say that for no reason. Not to be mean, but you were nice all your life and what do you have to show for that? Other than good grades, which i commend you on. Don't be afraid to let go of your self control, girls like guys that are wild and take control. Don't be so nice

I've definitely thought about counseling. In fact I've been looking into referrals from the school counselor. The thing you said about love has gone through my mind 100 times. "How can I love her if I haven't really spent any time with her?" I think it's an obsession, but I just can't believe it. You know? I know her pretty well as a person. As I said, we've been friends really since we were very young, I just don't have any dating type experience with her, other than dinner last Thursday. However, I talk with her considerably more nowdays, and I enjoy it so much. Is it obsession that is causing this, or love? I can't make any sense out of it. I argue with myself, debating both points, defending both views... :p I am a rather faithful person, I wasn't for the longest time. However since July I've been very much a talker with God. I constantly talk this stuff out, I find a private place, and I just talk. It actually feels like someone is there too, I guess that's what turned me around on the spirtual front. I cry about it all the time, I talk about it all the time. It's so hard to understand.

I gotta head to class now, but I should have some sort of update later tonight. Thanks so much for the replies! I truly appreciate it.


I realized I didn't address an issue, and that is, my "kindness". I can't simply "be" an asshole. I have parts of me, where to some I may come across that way... For example. I hate people who drink and drive. I absolutely hate them. I think they are the scum of the earth, and I think once given a 2nd chance, if they continue to rack up the DUI's, justice needs to be served. My policy is, first time, "just" being caught, no injury to others, then a typical fine/jail time. If injury to others, then 1 year in prison, and license suspension for a year. If killing someone, you should be charged with murder and be given the death penalty. From the 1st case on, it gets worse EXPONENTIALLY. It's really a pet peeve for me, and drunk drivers all around this country are lucky I am not in charge of that stuff.

This is an example where I am not nice at all, and I frankly don't care about people. As far as everyday life goes, I am a nice person, I can't "help" it. I agree, that being nice, shy, and "respectful" regarding sex and drugs and whatnot hasn't necessarily helped me. But in the case of this girl, she actually like me because of that stuff. I mean, this is the thing I still can't get over; she approached ME! I had the easy job. She still enjoys talking with me and whatnot, I've just never had the guts to tell her everything. Again, something may happen tonight, I should know by 2PM or so, as we cross paths on campus around that time between classes and I am going to ask her if she wants to walk around with me and talk tonight.

Wish me luck!


Well-known member
I wouldnt call it a freakish obsession that needs counseling. Its very hard when you are 19 and filled with such intense passion. From my experience, I would say it does need a resolution though soon. Either she comes your way now or you need to realize it will never be that way. With me, it was never meant to be and I when I look back now it was probably one of the best things that happened.

When you do meet her, dont dwell so much on the possibilities and all the possible outcomes, just tell yourself whatever happens happens. You have a long life ahead of you and believe it or not, there certainly are other amazing women out there...you just need come to some resolution or let go of this one and see for yourself.

Oh and best of luck to you man...keep in touch.


Active member
Well, quick update...

Wow is all I can say, this day has gotten very crappy, very fast.

It's amazing. I was depressed and confused enough when I wrote this last night. However, going to my first class today, I had at least good feelings about approaching her today and trying to set up a time to talk.

Well, around 11AM things changed for the worse quickly. I find out through her myspace, (we're friends, I am not a stalker. :p), that her boyfriend proposed to her, and of course, she accepted. No ring, he didn't "get" her parents blessing. He asked, she accepted. As if that wasn't crazy enough... I go to my music class, the class in which I leave and cross paths with her everyday. Throughout class I was thinking, "God, how do I even approach her now." Basically I am thinking, "Chances of us together are as good as gone, but I gotta at least tell her this stuff, because if I don't, I'll never know." So I am thinking things are going to be at least decent. It's a beautiful day out, I can talk to her and ask her about later tonight. Well, I forgot this is ME here, and I don't have a thing known as good luck. I leave the class, and sure enough, like clockwork, she comes walking around the corner as always. But wait... what's that? Oh, that's her FIANCE holding her hand, he came down and surprised her. Needless to say, I just walked by and asked if she was feeling better from Monday, and she said yes and smiled.

Folks, I am losing my mind. WHY CAN'T I GET ANY TYPE OF CLOSURE? This morning I was thinking, "well, the chances are low, but you gotta get it out," to "well, the chances are virtually nothing now, but at you can still let her know so it's not bottled in for MORE than 3.5 years," to what it is now, "GOD, TAKE ME NOW!"

This crap is so hard. I have no idea what the hell to do. Love/Obsession I can't really tell. What I do know is that whatever it is, it's THERE. I am at this school because of it, I've based my life around it. So now I sit in my dorm, wondering "Now what?" I am losing control. Should I even bother with this school anymore? As I said, I like it here, but I wouldn't be here if she wasn't. It's essentially torturing myself if I continue going here. ALL THE TIME, it's on my mind.

I swear, the way this stuff happens sometimes, it's so perfect. I almost feel like a Truman Show type thing, where my life is a movie or TV show for other people's entertainment. The way things keep unfolding, right when I think I am doing better... BAM, obstacle. October 4th, 2006 went from possibly a very good day, to a HORRIBLE day, within a 3 hour period.

I really need psychological help. I just don't know what to do anymore.


Hi ABunkerHere,

I feel sorry for you, especially after reading your first post. Cheer up, they're only 19! I don't think they're getting married right away.

The first thing you have to do is to close your eyes and ask yourself if she's your true love or only an obsession. You will only know the answer if your feelings start to erupt just after asking yourself.

If she is only an obsession, well then keep being her friend for now, but forget that obsession because it won't do you any good. There are many girls out there to be obsessed with!

If she is your true love. Then you better try your best to be her best friend, if you really want to have a chance of being her boyfriend. That means you have to be by her side wherever she is and whatever happens to her, and help her whenever she needs you.

Once you've done all this, and you feel confident, tell her how much you love her. At this point, she will decide if she still wants to be your best friend, or prefers to be your girlfriend :D .

So, if you really love her. Go for it!!! :) Start doing everything I've told you, and never give up whatever happens.

Good Luck!! :D


Active member
DDaKidd said:
Hi ABunkerHere,

I feel sorry for you, especially after reading your first post. Cheer up, they're only 19! I don't think they're getting married right away.

The first thing you have to do is to close your eyes and ask yourself if she's your true love or only an obsession. You will only know the answer if your feelings start to erupt just after asking yourself.

If she is only an obsession, well then keep being her friend for now, but forget that obsession because it won't do you any good. There are many girls out there to be obsessed with!

If she is your true love. Then you better try your best to be her best friend, if you really want to have a chance of being her boyfriend. That means you have to be by her side wherever she is and whatever happens to her, and help her whenever she needs you.

Once you've done all this, and you feel confident, tell her how much you love her. At this point, she will decide if she still wants to be your best friend, or prefers to be your girlfriend :D .

So, if you really love her. Go for it!!! :) Start doing everything I've told you, and never give up whatever happens.

Good Luck!! :D

I've done the love/obsession test so many times. Whether I close my eyes and ask myself, or I go somewhere and talk with God, I always come to the same conclusion, I love her. Immediately I get emotional when asking that. The mere thought of, especially now with this development today has my eyes watering and my heart aching. I've only ever felt this way about her, and it's been the same for years now.

If I see a "hot" girl, I merely think, "wow, she's a looker." I couldn't care less about her. As I've said, I know and have known plenty of girls in school, I talk to them, IN school, and it's not an issue. While I would certainly care if something were to happen to them, it's not the same. I care about anybody I know immediately because I am that kind of person. In the case of K, it goes miles beyond that.

She's in class right now, I am trying to think of what to do. I have to come up with some sort of game plan. Hopefully I'll have an update of sorts later. I really can't keep this stuff on my mind much longer; I'm about to boil over.


Well-known member
ahhhh it sounds like you have my luck with things like that. Truly wish you the best. You sound like a younger me. Hopefully you can get some resolution soon and get some solid direction. If it doesnt go your way, dont lose hope, things have a way of turning out for the best many times.


Active member
An update...

So, tonight I finally manage to head over to her place and talk to her. I told her everything, and as I expected, she was shocked. Also as I expected, the interest in me she had is long gone. Not that she doesn't like me, but she IS engaged and happy where she is at.

After talking with her for a couple hours tonight, I yet again had an incredible time. She is such an amazing person and all this talk did was shock her, and make me want her more. She was cool about it, which speaks so much for her personality; however, I am not in the least fixed. I came home and during the walk here, and now of course, I have thought of nothing but her, and my regrets from years ago.

I am going to avidly pursue some sort of counseling. This has got control of me completely. I am now having difficulty focusing on writing assignments for English class and other school work is losng focus as well. I think I may end up leaving, because after all, I am here because she is. I just wish I knew why I am this way. I wish I could understand it. It's so hard. :(

Wish me luck.