What is Energy?


Well-known member
Energy isn't tangible, it's immaterial so what's your opinion on what constitutes energy? How can we have energy? Do you believe it's a soul or spirit? You will see in cereal boxes it tells us it has a certain amount of energy but how could you measure energy? What is it?


Well-known member
Are you talking about energy in our body? Our body processes the food into energy that we use.

It is measures by calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. A calorie is the heat needed to raise the temp of a gram of water by 1 degree C.

Or are you talking about something else?


Well-known member
yes, I'm talking about the energy we have in our body. If you can't touch energy then how could you be sure that certain foods will create energy if you can not see it visibly? And do you think it involves the soul?


Well-known member
Hi Jinxed,

The energy in your body is related to your "soul" in the same way the energy of a battery is related to the soul of the battery. I'm not being glib, it's really just a way to measure a chemical/physical reaction! Can you see a meter of distance? Of course not, you see the ground or whatever, but not the meter, and yet you use it without questioning its existance. Hope this helps.


Well-known member
I see what jinxed is getting at. Yeah, you can measure it in calories (or Joules, for the physicists amongst us), but some people seem to have more energy than others regardless of diet. Of course then its based on your lifestyle which leads us to social anxiety: a complete energy vaporisor. So Newton and pals got it wrong, energy can be destroyed. :twisted:


Well-known member
Maybe some people are capable of more energy because there body burns calories more efficiently.


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
cLavain said:

Wow, sorry, just checking out some old threads and this made me laugh. An image which combines SA with my degree subject. Bingo! :lol:
Yeah, the best of both worlds, eh? That's an interesting degree subject, mamba! Sometimes I wish I had the math skills to study physics, but I guess I 'll just stick to popular science... :)


Well-known member
Energy. It's that thing that I lack when I wake up in the morning, especially on Mondays. It does like to make a slight, quick appearance though. Energy gives me the strength to reach over to the alarm clock and hit the Snooze button.