my day was pretty simple. i haven't slept in in like two weeks, not one day so i woke up this morning at 6, got to my exam at 8, came back at 8"30 and slept til 12:30. had lunch with a friend, then helped her move out of her dorm. then we went to shop for clothes, ate at wendy's then came back. dilidallied with my roomate packing up my posters and now just studiing.
what do you do with the charities online? i just started up with a no kill cat shelter (i looove cats) and my first day is in may. when i get my own place i want a lot of cats and one big dog. but i kind of want a greyhound. they have that eery, spooky demonic look and yet are beautiful and graceful at the same time. and they're lazy so yeah. fun stuff