what does everyone do for a living?


Well-known member
for people out of school, what are ur careers? im in college now and i plan on being an accountant in the future.


Well-known member
Well, I'm an English major who works part-time at my university library. I have no idea what I'm going to do after I graduate, but hopefully something not in a library!


Well-known member
Im a sound & lighting engineer, i work in arenas and roll on roll off tours, its freelance so i work when I want.


New member
FX option trader, studied accounting and finance as well but preferred the faster paced life in the banking world.


Well-known member
Technical Support Analyst... or was... quit.

Going back to school full-time. Got about 2 years of work experience in the IT field. Studying IT. Trying to get into Network Security which is big in the DC area if you can get security clearance.

Then from there I was thinking maybe studying Law after my Bachelors.


Well-known member
thanks for answering guys. it gives me more confidence in what im doing because other people with hyperhidrosis like u guys can still get good jobs. im still going to school and its hard at times because of hyperhidrosis but if u guys can get through it, i can too.


Well-known member
Schools definitely easier for me during the winter or on cooler days.

During hot summer days or any fairly sunny or warm day I can start sweating during the car ride to campus or from walking from the parking lot to class and I'll just be sweating the rest of the day which sucks.


Active member
I know that all too well, I sit in my (no air conditioning) dorm room with a couple fans on me and just look out waiting for the cool months. I am making it though. I thankful to be able to live a normal life with opportunity. Things are never as bad as they seem!


Well-known member
I'm retired now, but developed HH a few years ago while teaching high school!

Well, that was a trip--standing in front of 30 teenagers who already think you're old and weird. But, I did it--just kept a facecloth handy and kept on trucking.

So, you can do whatever, including public "performing"--just have to brazen it out. I survived, but sure wish I'd discovered Avert sooner!


I am a regional account mgr for data clean corp

We provide cleaning services for critical environments. Essentially we clean data centers, laboratories, and cleanrooms.

We offer thermal management solutions for data centers as well.

I love working in a properly run and VERY COLD data center. :)

For once, my HH is a blessing. If I am sweating your data center is running too hot. :)


Well-known member
I can totally relate to dub's comments.
I'm a computer engineer. I love going into the server room because of the high powered air conditioning system. Other employees get cold in there, but I find it soooo relieving for my HH.


Active member
I work in media production - I used to really enjoy it before my HH started a few years ago - I work in lots of different locations so it really differs how much I suffer - sometimes in an air conditioned office, other times in a studio with VERY powerful lights on - that can get very uncomfortable.