what do you think about science fiction?(correction)


Active member
hurra! people are starting to come!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Well, I can completely understand why someone thinks '2001' is a boring movie. I have experienced 'oh, why does this have to last that long?' thing often in it but I still don't think it's overrated. Those were the sixties ( older, slower times ) and it still has some awesome scenes. I guess it's in a way just too deep to be fun.

Nope, haven't seen Firefly. (hmm...a mechanic girl... :wink: ).

I want to read Hyperion (and Asimov's trilogy)but haven't got to that yet.


Active member
And what about Babylon 5?
I haven't seen that series, well, except two of the movies. The movies didn't leave much of an impression on me, but I've heard the series is good.
I've also heard Deep Space 9 copied Babylon 5. Well, since DS9 is one of my favourite shows I took it pretty seriously :x . So now I really want to see it (so I could compare)...


Well-known member
Yeah Babylon 5 is pretty good. It had a story arc that went over 5 seasons and it had some pretty intense episodes, and some good characters who evolved in ways you wouldn't expect. The last season wasn't much good because they'd already finished with the main story and the movies vary. But the first four seasons are gold if you get a chance I say check them out.