what do you think about science fiction?(correction)


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Re: what do you think about SF?

I live near SF. I really like it there!! i wish i lived in Sf :(
aren't there a lot of gay guys there?


Active member
oh, my godness!
SF is actualy science fiction, we shorten it that way where I live. I just supposed... oh, I'm embarassed :oops:



Well-known member
Yeah I'm a bit of a SciFi fan to. Favourite would have to be Star Wars, Aliens, Predator stuff like that.


Active member
Wow, you know that's a hard one!
Well, I guess it will have to be DS9 because it was the one that made me a Trekie (and the Dominion war is awesome 8) ).
But then again I haven't seen TNG in a very long time so...
And Voyager has some of the best charachters...
And TOS is classic...
And I for one don't hate Enterprise...

Well, I said it would be hard! :wink:


Well-known member
Yeah DS9 was my favourite I loved the Dominion War. I was always wondering what was going to happen next. After that second equal favourites were TNG and OS they were always pretty good. Enterpise had its moments to. Voyager had some good episodes but I always found it a little disappointing, for people stranded in another galaxy with half their crew supposedly rebels things always seemed to go to easily for them.


Active member
You're completely right about Voyager there! And the half of their crew died during the voyage (ok,a little exagaration)! And yet, the ship always seemed perfectly in function...
As for DS9, I think the episodes about the retaking of the station were the most exciting thing I've ever seen on tv. 8O

hmm, this seems to be a two person conversation... doesn't anyone else like SciFi? :(


Well-known member
Yeah there should have been more tension between the crews on Voyager, and the ship should have started to look a bit more battered as the seasons went on.
Going on to other programmes. Have you seen any of the Stargate shows. They're pretty good to.


Active member
Yes, I have seen some episodes of the original series, I'm not sure how it was called, but they don't air it any more here ( and when they were airing it, it was always in the wrong time for me).From what I saw it was fine - not really Star Trek or Star Wars but fine. Actually, I liked the movie best.

And mentioning Star Wars, what do you think of the three new movies related to the older ones?

Say... since we're the only ones talking here why not try some chatting (well, it's quicker,for one :D )? You would be the first person I met here.If not, it's fine anyway! :wink:


Well-known member
Hi I'm usually to busy to chat, so postings easier. Now talking about Star Wars. I tend to like the originals better, I thought they had better stories that flowed along better. But that said AOTC and ROTS apart from some wooden acting are pretty good. The Phantom Menace has some good scenes, Darth Maul is a pretty cool character but the story is alittle boring and I think Jake Llyod as Anakin was kind of bad. I would have prefered it if they had introduced Anakin as slightly older but thats just me.


Active member
Nice point about Anakin there, but considering Christiansen's acting :roll: it seems to me that the younger one turned out better than the older one.
Phantom Menace - nice, but a bit too long. I know racing is exciting but in a Star WARS movie they could have made Anakin's race a bit shorter.
Now I don't now, I'm not a complete Star Wars fanatic so that may be the reason, but on my first watching of episode 2 I got a bit confused about who was really against who and with who ( the second watching solved the problem!).
ROTS is the best of the three (but the acting...).

And something else - maybe I'm just oldfashioned but doesn't the old Yoda seem somehow more lively and real than the the CG one?( not in the fighing scenes of course, those were fantastic!) Strange... :?

Too bad about the chat, though...


Well-known member
You're not wrong some of the acting is a little suspect. The Pod race in Phantom Menace maybe a little long, but the film did need some serious action after inflicting Jar Jar Binks and a boring story on the audience. I don't about Yoda, I thought he looked alright in CGI, but I suppose a puppet does have more a presense.


Active member
Now, I know this is almost blasphemous for the worldwide Star Wars fandom but I don't find Jar Jar to be that terrible. 8O 8O 8O
I guess that's just cause he reminds me of someone I know. hehe.... :wink:

Now, we shouldn't just talk about movies.What about the books? Have you read anything from the 'hard science fiction' like Clarke, Wels, you know...
Or at least saw the movies based on some of the novels...( yes,yes '2001')


Well-known member
To be honest I didn't find Jar Jar that annoying, he was just a pointless character that wasn't really necessary. Bookwise the last few books I read have been Star Wars ones The Dark Nest I think it was called and some fantasy ones. I did read 2001 a few years ago and I have seen the movie. The book was Ok but to be honest I found the movie incredibly boring, it was like the longest two hours ever. I don't know if you're a big fan of it, but I thought it was seriously overrated.


Yeah I love Sci Fi for movies\TV, but I prefer Fantasy for books. Currently reading #2 of the 7 book Crown of Stars series by Kate Elliot. It’s really good!

Did anyone see the Firefly tv series (well most of a series before being cancelled.)? I just fished watching it on DVD and thought it was great! Although I’m not sure if I loved the show or just fell for the mechanic girl. Something about her really took my fancy. I think it was the dimples.

I really enjoyed Star Wars IV and V, and enjoyed III - but wouldn’t put it up there with my favs. Didn’t like any of the other Star Wars.


Well-known member
I like sci-fi, but only books.

Snow Crash
Night's Dawn trilogy
A Scanner Darkly
Random Acts of Senseless Violence
Revelation Space


Well-known member
I used to really like science fiction books and tales when I was I child, but I haven't read any in a long time. They were mostly classics I think, like Asimov's trilogy (very good at the beginning, but somewhat boring in the last part) or the robot series, and A.C.Clarke tales. I have read Wells and Verne as well, but I don't know if they can be called science fiction, they felt more like regular 19th century novels with some extra dose of science in them.

It was so good when I was a child and I could deeply immerse myself in reading and be totally separated from reality for a few hours. For some reason, the trick doesn't work any more.