What do you think about Jessi Slaughter?


Well-known member
Her parents clearly don't understand the interweb and should have kept her off it. The internet hate machine is strong.


I think the whole story is ludicrous. Why would people be so affected by her videos that they would wish to make her life difficult? !

Thats just how Anonymous is. I've heard of those guys before. I think they're just Trolls from all over that go by this gang name and get off on harassing people and spreading hate where ever they can. And say that they "Do it for the lulz" And 4Chan is a good place to find douches like that.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I feel sorry for the silly girl, but I laughed my ass off at that "Trollin Tinychat" video! Omg when that guy with the Vendetta mask popped up, man that was too funny lolol :D


Well-known member
Her and her parents need a kick in the butt!
The internet is a safe place when you know how to use it, what to avoid...At 11, obviously she doesn't. Her parents are completely to blame. Nobody else.
I've never met anyone with such a filthy mouth.
She got what she deserved. I definitely don't think it's going to change the way she acts in 10 years though. Her parents blame the internet and aren't punishing her (or themselves!), so I'm sure she'll go back to her normal self, unforunately!