what do you do when everyone is aginst you?


I mean most people actually are against me only some are'nt. I see the way some people look at me cuz im a guy that's pretty skinny and around 6 foot. Idk wat it is but i think people keep giving me that blank look cuz they don't like somtin about me or somtin or some guys will look at me as if there trying to be intimidating or somtin. People always say that if tell someone like your parents to help you it's not as bad as it seems but i knew it. I tryed to tell my mum what stuff i needed to try and gain weight but she kept going on how its unhealthy blah blah and im fine the way i am and that i should eat more vegetables if i want to gain weight i mean wth if i can't gain that much weight on junk food how am i suppose to gain weight on vegetables....


Well-known member
That's an odd situation for people to be putting you in. I don't want to say you're exaggerating the problem but maybe it seems this way because with SA your mind almost automatically registers a negative face or sentence as an attack against you. If you're naturally skinny dear, that's just you and that's something you should accept and take pride in. I wish I could be naturally skinny! If people stare, they stare and that's their problem. I have a friend who, I do not kid you, is 7 foot exactly and a complete bean pole. People stare at him all the time, hell I only come up to his elbow. He's tried to gain weight and can't most of the time but it's just another detail about him, be proud of yourself dear.