What do you all do?


Well-known member
I am trying to find a job, just something to give me a little more independence (and money) at the moment, but would ultimately like to decide on something to do for a career. The thing is that I am no more decided on any one direction that I was at 14 when I had the career officer on my back. I thought I might like to go into nursing, but then nurses should really be good with people, which I am definately not. So then I thought veterinary nursing, but I am so sensitive that I cry at Pet Rescue on TV. Office work? I despise phones... I just don't know. One day I feel really positive about something, and it seems like absoloutely the right descision, and the next I feel like that's the last thing in the world I should be going into.
Does anyone else here have this problem when deciding on a career? It got me wondering what other people with SA do for a living, and is it what you would like to be doing?


Well-known member
I worked as a network/IT person until my job requirements changed and I was forced to deliver presentations, lead meetings, and interact with external customers. It was too much to handle and after 4 years I quit.

Since then, I have been working in a kitchen as a food prep person. I don't have to interact with anyone if I choose not to.

I feel as though I have made progress with my SA, and I think I will probably get out there soon and try the corporate world again.

Best of luck :)


Well-known member
Hi Sable!

I currently work as a (part-time) graphic designer. It is very conveniant for me as I have the opportunity to sometimes work at home. In addition it's also very exciting, challenging (in a good way!) and the best job I could ever wish for. :)

I also want to add that I also struggled for years and years to try and find out what kind of career I should pursuit. And for a long time it all seemed pretty hopeless. So don't ever give up, there is a job out there that would suit you too! Good luck!


Well-known member
Sable said:
So then I thought veterinary nursing, but I am so sensitive that I cry at Pet Rescue on TV.

I too cry when I watch stuff like that on tv but when I actually worked as a veterinary assistant I had to help with euthanizing some animals and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought I would cry and be a total mess but I didn't. I am currently in college and plan on going to vet school.

So I'd say don't knock it until you try it. Things might just work out for the best. :wink: Plus a lot of different jobs will let you go in and shadow an employee for a day so you can see if you will like it.


Well-known member
Thanks for your replies!

sadday - the more I look into veterinary nursing the more appealing it seems. It's interesting that you can handle the stuff you thought would be emotional. It's made me re-think that maybe I might be ok with it too. Anyway I don't think I'll dismiss it so quickly. Thanks.

maude_lynn - thanks, I love Monty Python!