what do u think of this idea?


Well-known member
okay, so my foot HH has been bringing me down lately. even though my feet are about 75% dry with ionto and they dont sweat as much, they still make my shoes smell and im thinking that it's because of the heat it still generates. i know the smell cant be from the sweat because i only smell the part that the shoe is made of. so i only smell the rubber. i also know the sweat cant be it because after i take my shoes off, i feel inside and theyre dry, as well as my socks. so, my idea was this: what if i wear sandals instead? i mean, they wont smell like the shoes because i can take them off and make my feet breath right? also, there's no rubber surrounding my feet so even if they get hot, u wont smell a thing right? this sounds crazy because its snowing like crazy out but i think it would be worth it if it means i will avoid stinkin up my classroom lol. that is what im afraid of. what do u guys think of the sandals idea? do u think it would work?



As you may have seen in my other posts, I have the same problem—and I truly empathize with you. Believe me, it’s debilitating, becomes very difficult to concentrate, leads to anxiety, and you can literally go nuts! But I think I might be onto something, but I want to wait to share until I’m absolutely sure.

My smelly shoes (feet) problem just started about a year ago, and I had to frequently change socks and shoes. And to be honest, my rear end started too, since it's usually hot and sweats a bit, causing it to smell, often times. I had to keep going to the bathroom to wipe it/cool it down.

So I had musty smelling shoes (caused by my feet) and butt funk 8O . What a combo, huh? I consider myself a very clean person, and I just couldn’t believe this was happening to me—especially at the office and in meeting rooms. And why just recently?

Anyhow, in your case you mentioned you smell rubber. Are you talking about the inside lining of your tennis shoes? That’s usually made of material. Also, is this the case with dress shoes or any other type of enclosed shoes? Also, when did you notice your shoes starting to smell, just the last year or two? Is it more of a musty/funky smell, instead of rubber? What about other areas of your body? Feet, for me, were not smelly, but it infected all my shoes!

I ask these questions to compare if it’s the same as my case. Like I said, I might be on to something, but I have to give it a bit more time.

As for your sandal idea, I think that would work. And you can keep it loose while in class so you can elevate your feet slightly from the soles and keep air moving in between. As for the snow, wear shoes to school and change to your sandals when you get there. :wink:


My socks get fairly smelly too, but not that bad I suppose, though I do have foot HH. They were really bad when I used to work outside. Like, really bad. But with mine, anybody could only smell it if I took my feet out of my shoes. Then both my shoes and my feet smell. Its kind of like when I'm wearing my shoes the smell is locked in there.

Are you sure thats not the case for you? Because if so that could relieve some of your tension in public.


Well-known member
Anyhow, in your case you mentioned you smell rubber. Are you talking about the inside lining of your tennis shoes?
-yes, the inside lining.
Also, is this the case with dress shoes or any other type of enclosed shoes?
Also, when did you notice your shoes starting to smell, just the last year or two?
-nope, but i only started getting freaked out by it just recently
Is it more of a musty/funky smell, instead of rubber?
-its actually more of rubber with a little musty/funky smell
What about other areas of your body? Feet, for me, were not smelly, but it infected all my shoes!
-just my shoes because my sweaty feet would be in the shoes.

anyone can still smell even if my shoes are on.

anyone know a good material that a sandal should be made of so it wont smell?


Hey, Hinder,

It looks like we have the same problem, except for: 1) when it started and 2) you not having it in another area.

However, I still think you may be able to benefit (at least, somewhat) with what I’m currently doing/taking. It has virtually eliminated my anxiety levels, also. If truly successful, I’ll share it soon enough.

By the way, how’s your diet? Mainly meat products with every meal?


I'm guessing it's the soles of your feet that sweat/get hottest? You can buy special insoles that smell really nice, they might help. Also, there's "shoe deodourant" you can get, you literally just spray it in your shoes, and that usually helps me; my feet are still hot and clammy but my shoes still smell okay :)


Well-known member
I had the same feet odor problem about one year ago, then I came accross a webpage which said that this problem was caused by zinc deficiency. They recommended taking 30mg zinc supplement for about 2 weeks. I followed their advice, it really works!! My feet are now stinky free, even though I still sweat a lot.
long term excessively sweat is a cause of zinc deficiency.
Sorry for my poor English.
Good luck!


Hi guys! I am 'glad' to see a thread that deals specifically with plantar HH. I have posted other threads about plantar HH but always get comments like' Well you are lucky, it's only your feet'.

Well actually it still is a nighmare. In the last 2 years i changed my job twice and i am considering quiting my current job because HH drives mes crazy and totally paranoid. I left my previous JOBS because i was getting a reputation. Comments like 'Ewww, someone's shoes really stink, they need a shower'. It really hurts because my personnal hygiene is really good. I take about 2 or 3 showers a day, do foot massage once a day and at the worst of my HH, i was basically washing my feet every hour and chanGing socks 3 or 4 times a day. Still, no matter what, my shoes/socks/feets (not even sure which one it is now) stink.

I don't even take planes anymore as everytime is a MASSIVE embarassement since the air goes from the floor to the ceiling and basically makes the smell a lot more obvious.

Of course, you can get silly comments like' Someone has never head of Odour eater'. Yeah right i have tried everything including Odour eater and it makes the smell 100 times worsE! I even tried a cherry scented shoe deodorant. That was the worst smell ever, people asked' What's this toilet smell'!!!!

Now i have almost stopped the sweating (about 80% yet becasue of the past trauma, i am totally paranoid about having smelly shoes. Odaban helped a lot, as well as special socks made out of silver AND special and very expensive insole. Still, there is a smell and when i remove my shoes, the socks are still moist and the insole as well. It doesn't make sense as my feet are dy and don't even smell! So i don't get it and i am depressed coz i don't know how this problem will ever go away. I have lost my confidence. Even though i don't think the smell is as obvious as before, feeling the wetness of mys socks is uncomfortable and also reminds me my shoes are probably smelly which they are when i remove them.

On top of that, i buy new shoes every 2 weeks. That's really heavy on my budget plus i have to buy the special socks, special soles and Odaban. Overall, i do spend a fortune and my shoes still stink. HELP!!!!


Well-known member
Hello everyone. My HH MAIN problem was always plantar. I had my first consultation about it with my family physician (who was as ignorant about the problem as any other physicians I have consulted since) when I was 16. His answer to me was, that I have an overly efficient blood distribution in my feet :roll: I am now 51 years old and I tried a few tricks to get rid of HH including ETS (NOT recommended) Last year I bought a iontoforesis device, which I am very happy about, although time consuming. If you´re interested about it, read my posts.

I tried to investigate into what makes it effective, and I found out that metal ions are the effective ingredient in the iontoforesis. A lot of powders e.g. odaban works with aluminum chloride, i.e. aluminum ions.
So to beat the odor problem, I actually use a combination of aluminum chloride products (my experience is, that the cheap aluminum chloride powders are just as efficient as the expensive ones) and my ionto device, which I utilise when the sweating gets too unbearable, esp. in very hot weather. Otherwise I use TEVA sandals almost year round (with socks..sorry girls ) because I find TEVA is the only sandal which replace a good shoe. Even walking through a stream with a backpack, TEVA stays on your foot. This sandal will keep your foot cool and confident.
I use the cheapest aluminum chloride powders and fill up a rectangular food container with lid app. the measurements of my foot. After showering in the morning, I steep my foot in the container and make sure the powder is rubbed in up to my ankles, before I don my socks, which are FALKE T2 or T1 trekking socks, or other high quality socks made with WOOL. Never cotton or artificial fibres, which will make your feet reek. Wool seems to have natural germ inhibiting ingredients. If you get the right socks they will wash easily in machines. What makes your feet stink are the germs actually...not the sweat itself. The moisture is only the habitat of the stink. Thus keeping feet dry is main object to achieve. There are a lot of design shoes you are going to have to forget about...sorry. Even TEVA makes a leather sole sandal which cannot be recommended. When you buy a shoe, take care about what time of the year you´re going to be using it. Some manufacturers make shoes with great ventilation, which are sure to cause a cold in winter.

If I´ve washed my feet and dunked them in my powder container, which travels fine although some customs personnel may wonder (just take the empty plastic bottle which it came from along with you) I´m completely confident in airplanes, although I usually remove my footwear immediately as I´m seated (you´ll swim better without shoees anyway)
Hoping you can use my input. The ionto will actually keep you completely dry, if you can find time for regular therapy, and find the money for the investment.



Well-known member
hyeperhydro, thanks for posting this. im going to try ionto for my feet again. i know what u mean by how the cotton socks make ur feet stink more when they sweat. what brand wool socks do u recommend? and do they really make a big diferrence?
sandals are great and I think it's a fabulous idea. I personally don't like shoes and wear sandals all years round, so my feet never get cold. You will get used to it in the cold so I think it would work out.


Well-known member
hinder87 said:
hyeperhydro, thanks for posting this. im going to try ionto for my feet again. i know what u mean by how the cotton socks make ur feet stink more when they sweat. what brand wool socks do u recommend? and do they really make a big diferrence?
For all people who sweat, cotton is generally a pain in the ass. That goes for any kind of clothes. I don´t think any particular wool brand is best. Usually I buy stuff that can stand machine wash, which means it´s a mix of primarily wool and some artificial fibres. E.g. Falke trekking socks or Smartwool (the latter is more comfortable, but are more expensive, and wear out faster). 100 % merino wool is best, but you have to hand wash it, and I can´t find time to do that. Yes it really makes a big difference. Some micro fibre fabrics are also much better than cotton, in respects of transporting moisture away from your skin, but they don´t seem to have the natural anti-bacterial function mother nature put into wool. I also think sandals are great, and I wear Teva sandals most of the year, because I find they have much better support and soles than other sandals. Just avoid the leather sole model though. You can actually wear them throughout winter if you like. I sometimes do that, wearing two sets of socks, a thin set and a thick set. It´s only recommendable for dry weather though, and you can´t carry e.g. back packs or do heavy manual work wearing sandals.

