What do I do when the conversation is about something not relevant to me


New member
I'm trying to identify situations where I am uncomfortable with a view to devising solutions. The one on my mind now is when I'm in a group of 3 or more people (but not more than 5 or 6), and the others start a conversation about something that has no connection or relevance to me. For eg, they could be talking about somebody I don't know. Obviously they don't expect to contribute to the conversation. I find myself being very uncomfortable when I don't understand what they are talking about, but I am required to continue to be part of that conversational group. I don't know where to look - I feel that if I look at the speaker, he may get uncomfortable. if I look away, it might seem rude. I just don't know what to do in such a situation.
I can try and tune in to the coversation, but sometimes its impossible because the topic is far removed.


New member
Same happene to be all the time, especially when ever my "so called" friends talk about sports. Most of the time I kept quiet, but my heart always beats harder and faster to say something. I don't know man. I need a solution too.


New member
i get bored and pissed off when people talk about stuff i dont feel a connection too...i usually just dont bother with people anymore lol


Active member
ya thats SA in your head...try talking to your shrink about such stuff. or get meds. they help man...


Well-known member
Oh yeah I hate that. I guess the situation does resolve itself. It resolves with an awkward ending. Even good talkers have awkward moments.

This is when you can start making yourself laugh by imagining those two people kissing each other...::p:... since they're obviously oh so close


Well-known member
If this happens there's a few things you could do:

a)Lean back and just listen
b)Ask questions and show some interest to get involved
c)Take control and change the subject to something that interests you


Well-known member
If this happens there's a few things you could do:

a)Lean back and just listen
b)Ask questions and show some interest to get involved
c)Take control and change the subject to something that interests you

That is better than laughing for no reason