what can i do or take to become tougher?




Well-known member
"Tougher" for what? And why?

I guess thats not the question though. I don't know if you mean phycially or mentally.

Alprazolam? Isnt that like, addictive and with a bunch load of side effects?


Well-known member
Depends.In what way do you want to become tougher?

Alprazolam? Isnt that like, addictive and with a bunch load of side effects?

Alprazolam,just like any other Benzodiazepine has some addictive properties,in so much that you cant stop cold turkey.You have slowly taper off of it.


Well-known member
Doing a martial art can make you way more confident.

You can just ignore this if you want but...from your other posts it seems like that thing that happened you to several years ago with some guy hitting you over the head has really sat with you and built up so maybe you need to find a way to let go of this aswell? I'm just guessing that's why you feel the need to become tougher, cos you replay that over in your mind every day and remember how inferior you felt which you could really do without.


Well-known member
Being a macho, tough guy is overrated. At one point, I actually thought that was the only way to battle my SA... it might seem weird to you, but in either case, I came to the conclusion that I'm a nerd. And for some reason, I've felt like a burden's been lifted ever since.

Al I'm saying is, trying to act tough can only do you harm. Most likely, someone's gonna kick your ass down to size (lol). But if you want to be tough, start lifting weights, gulp down huge protein shakes and enjoy your new way of life. Or, you can just be yourself... just a thought... 8)


Active member
start weight lifting and doing martial arts. i put on 30 lbs the last year and started talking a muay thai class it gave me a lot of confidence. walking into a room and knowing you can kick the shit out of most of the people definately gives you a confident boost.