what are you thinking right now


Well-known member
hey all,
i saw this thing on another forum and i was wondering if we could do this here... just post "...is thinking" and whatever you're thinking.. .you can respond to what the other person "thinks" too... you can post anything that is on your mind....



is thinking hi all
is thinking will anybody get what im talking about and respond? hehe
is thinking i cant believe im posting this... i rarely post at all..
is thinking its pretty late in the night where i live... past midnight..
is thinking drinking red bull in the evening is not a good idea when ur planning for a good nights sleep later...


Well-known member
:lol: thequietone is thinking......
-Red bull also agitates your nerves, stormygrey, be careful with that stuff! Large amounts of caffeine is not good.
-Saturday is going to be a hectic day with many social risks.... 8O gulp.
-Man, I wish it could just magically become Sunday! :roll:


Well-known member
young said:
That I need to go sit on the potty... 8O
Thanks for sharing. :D

Oh, um...well I have about 1024 different thought processes working in parallel. I suck at concentration...


Active member
Right now I'm thinking....

~ I'm still hungry, but it's 12:41 am should I really be eating?...
~ Who am I kidding I'll be up until 2-3 am.
~ Also trying to think of what else to say, often my mind is blank unless it's filled with a thought I'm worried about.
~ Does anyone else find it hard to carry on a conversation? Even on-line it seems I have nothing to talk about because my life is basicly just about sitting at home in my room, on the computer, watching TV. Most jobs I think about applying for scare the crap out of me, I just feel as if I'll mess up so much and do more harm then good.


Well-known member
-is thinking hi all... hope everyone's doing fine!

-is thinking hope thequietone's saturday is going ok... it will be over soon! *hug*

-is thinking this is gonna be a long post cos there's tons of stuff im thinking about (cant fit al of them here now) so i know wat u mean cLavain!

-is thinking carson sucks daily, thats a good one :p

Indecisive said:
~ Does anyone else find it hard to carry on a conversation? Even on-line it seems I have nothing to talk about because my life is basicly just about sitting at home in my room, on the computer, watching TV. Most jobs I think about applying for scare the crap out of me, I just feel as if I'll mess up so much and do more harm then good.

-is thinking the above is exactly how i feel all the time... can't even carry a conversation online or in person, for nuts.. i really dont make sense sometimes which leads pple to thinkin i am dumb but im not and i dont think you are either! i mean things can start off really well and then suddenly fall apart and can never be right again, if u know wat i mean...

-is thinking the funniest part of the above situation(at least for me) is that i think so hard to make a conversation/say something.. but yea it basically comes out very messed up and sometimes, like the opposite of what i meant..

-is thinking that the above situation was why so many relatioships got screwed...but im trying and trying to learn to keep calmer when talking..or best.. to say nothing at all.

-is thinking its about 3pm here and i've gotta go for lunch... bye all:)


Well-known member
I am thinking.....

It was okay in the party i just went to, i wasn't very nervous or show it, but didn't mingle well..i put that down to not knowing many people there, whereas everyoen else are all extroverts who know eachother..

I need to pee


Active member
Stormy Grey ~ Sorry to hear you feel the same way I do. Conversations for me seem like the harder I try the more I mess them up. Often they move so fast I can't keep up so I just tend to keep quiet or just avoid them.


Well-known member
jinxed is thinking...
what a funny game
what a hopeless life
what a curseful life
nothing has worked for me
how lucky others are who happen to have a much better life
even though I try so hard.
such a wreck and torture
I'd be amazed if I ever got out of this very dark and stormy tunnel
but it's likely going to get worse
as that is what happened anyway
which by then I would hope it will end very soon.
the world has very little to offer in how messed up it is
others who are materialistic, money-seeking, greedy, superficial, selfish and uncaring
and only a couple that truly care
I don't understand God
it looks like he won't ever help me.


Well-known member
shredz02 said:
shredz02 is thinking....

-i wonder why young typed "i needed to go potty" instead of just going potty.....

Hmmm... That's an interesting thought..

I guess I didn't think it through. :p


-is thinking interesting thread Question
-is thinking it sucks I wasnt able to save that baby magpie out in the garden the other day
-is thinking my dads playing crappy 60's music on the radio again
-is thinking this is my last "is thinking" bit.


Well-known member
RIGHT NOW?? hmmmm...

Thinking of TONIGHT, How Shall i Sleep?
Thinking of ... The dumbest mistakes i've Done in school.
Thinking of ... The stupidest things i've said in school
Thinking of ... The aweful,ugly Guts i had in school.
Thinking of ... Every Fight i fought in school.
Thinking of .. PPL i have to deal with in School.
Thinking of .. SHAME AND DISGUST!
Thinking of .. HATE AND MISTRUST!
Thinking of ... Tommorow's laziness, and failure.

Thinking of .. hmmm.. i'll go watch tv.


Well-known member
I think of so many things. So much always going on. I want my thoughts to just stop running and cluttering my mind.


Active member
well im thinking....

Why don’t doctors get ill more? I just have to sit next to someone with a cold and I catch it.

Why do vacuum cleaners and hairdryers make so much noise? Is there a reason?

How do planes stay up?

Why do people eat caviar but not frogspawn? Wouldn’t they taste the same? They are both just eggs of swimming things are they not?

I wonder why there is a hose pipe ban in England this summer when the uk is one big island?

What does it feel like to have a tail???

haha any answers guys??? im confused :( haha wb xx


Well-known member
im thinking..

hmm worrydoll and corrinaelizabeth noticed i was gone :eek: i must be cool lol
yeah severe sp certainly makes you cool lol
at least i can have a laugh about it :?
the ramones '53rd and 3rd' is such a fun song :) i cant stop listening.


Thinking of ... the replies that I have read tonight.
Thinking of ... a girl from canada who we don't speak to each other anymore
Thinking of ... how I love the song she gave me, Here Without You (3 doors down)
Thinking of ... how I am dreading going on my holidays to America (heat, airports and past experience from last year's trip)
Thinking of ... appointment on my results of HH tomorrow, hopefully I get some miracle drug as the roll on (Anhydrol Forte burns the shite out of me)
Thinking of ... should I leave my job which I love, due to my incapabilities
Thinking of ... empty space, should finish this wee post...


Well-known member
thinking..hope it rains and storms like a bugger out tonight....wish i could win a huge lottery...and not have to get up at 3 am for work tomorrow :evil:...wondering if my lazy cat could venture up the stairs and bring me down my coffee.. :twisted: