nesh said:
What are you like when you need to talk. When someone else talks to you, someone you know or a stranger, do you panic and say the first thing that comes into your head or do you just stay quiet or what?
I always panic which means I am never myself and end up rejecting the other person by giving such a quick and short answer, I don't give anything for them to work with. If someone asks me how I am? I'll say fine, or OK, or not bad without even thinking. Which isn't true, I'm just panicking. Or worst case, mostly when I'm with people for a long period of time I get so panicky that I need to fill in all the silences, I end up looking really stupid and when I get home it feels like a really bad hang over, why did I say all that shit?
Sounds quite like me these days. I'm just so frustrated, so tired of it. I am such a good person, I am so intiligent, so funny, so loving, so potentialy USEFUL. Yet I can't, CAN'T show it to anyone.
I'd panick and then continue panicking more and more and more and MORE, because the thought of me panicking gets me... well, panicking.
I feel like people are laghing at me. I feel like people are pitying me.
(I laugh at myself. I pity myself. I abhor myself.)
This suck. And this is my life.
Please let me pour my heart out. This is my current reality: I know someone might find it negative or destructive. But it's how I feel right now.