what are some of the meanest things people have said to you


Well-known member
Surprisingly, my Mom has said some of the meanest things to me. She has called me a fag a number of times when she's gotten angry, even though I'm not gay. I guess it's just because I've never had a girlfriend...It's not like I don't want one. After she's done being mad, she's always sorry about saying it, but it still hurts.


Well-known member
when I was 12 some dude who was in my class said really ugly things about me being so tall. well he's suffering from obesitas (or more likely: lazyness and uncontrolable eating habits) and he isn't able to do any kind of real sports or something,he's addicted to his pc and is absolutely friend- or futureless, so I guess this is payback time,or karma whatsoever... 8)