What am I waiting for?


Well-known member
Do you guys ever get the feeling that you're just waiting for some moment or some time that you'll suddenly and forever break out of your shell and become who you want to be? As all these short years go by (19 to be exact) it seems increasingly stupid and sad to be honest.

I keep seeing that the world is like some kind of cycle that repeats itself with the same types of people. Like there have always been a sort of you. If you looked hard enough you could find some old guy or lady, that 50 years ago was you, pretty much. There have always been like the skeleton of a person and as the times change the people change, somewhat, but deep down they're always exactly the same type of person. Thats why old music still makes sense today.

Old music makes me feel strange sometimes. When I can relate to a song sung 30 years ago and feel just how the person in that song feels it makes me think that was 30 whole years ago. Nothing has changed and nothing will change.

If I look back 5 years in my own life nothing really has changed. I still want the same stuff. I might be older and wiser, but the real deep down me has changed not at all. If you looked back 50 years has anything changed? Not deep down. The kids are the same and the old people. Substitute racism for gay rights and inject some rap and computers and you wouldn't be able to see a difference.

The only way to change something is by your own will. Life is some kind of repeating movie and you can play around in it as you like, but if you don't it will just play on as it always has.

Its like we're sitting down and watching life go by, instead of being a dynamic force within it.

We're on a conquest of life and instead of being Alexander The Great we're playing it like...a nameless person...nobody gives a damn about the name of a nothing. Harsh, but you know its true.

You can lead a horse to water...and you may have to beat him with a stick to make him drink. It's better to have beaten your horse than to have a dead horse because of dehydration.


Yea I get what you're saying about the constant cycle that each of us has at our disposal. However, I don't think its as simple as you're saying. There are certain moments in everyone cycle of life that can make or break the rest of your days on earth. Us people with SA feel like everything moves by and that we can step in and out of our life cycle because that exactly what we're doing. Some weeks are better than others for us, and those better weeks are the weeks that we somewhat live and get at least some joy out of life.

Maybe we're coming upon something worth digging deeper into. If we were able to remove our selves from our lives as they are and make them what we want them to be, then would we still feel the same as we do? I think that if we only worry about making ourselves happy then we can accomplish that task. You just have to take everything in your life, spread it all out on the floor in front of you, and remove the things that make you feel bad. Replace those bad things with things that you've always wanted in your life. I'm being very general here because some of us would be happy with simple things while others will want huge changes. It is up to you. I think that if we can all come up with a life that we want to live, there is no reason that we can't make it happen.

I know the next several years of my life are going to be spent this way. I have no idea what I'm going to do to get out of my endless cycle of seemingly unchanging life, but I'm making steps to find what I want. Start by doing something for yourself tonight! Now is the time to make a change!
