what age you started having problems!


Well-known member
I've always been shy. I was just talking about this with my mom. She told me a story of how I always hated Halloween because I didn't like dressing up and thought that everyone would look at me if I was wearing a costume, even though that's obviously the point. Like she asked me one time when I was maybe 8, why I didn't want to wear my costume and I said, "people will look at me!" And even when I was a little baby she said that I would scowl or even cry when people would look at me. lol.

So I always remember it being a problem and I always remember blushing a lot and not wanting to be the center of attention. Though I guess it may have gotten worse once I got into high school just because that's mostly when kids would start hanging out and going to parties on the weekends and dating, and I never did any of that. I feel like I had friends in elementary and middle school, but once I got into high school I wasn't really able to keep them or something. Like I would talk to some people in school, but I would never hang out with anyone outside of school and I would just go home by myself and sit at the computer every single day. Although I didn't really mind being by myself.

So yes, in conclusion, I've always been shy! I just got a great book though called "The Shyness Solution," and it's really great and helps you to become "shy-confident" and it tells of the positive attributes that shy people usually possess, yet they often discount them because they're so focused on the negative aspects of shyness that our society portrays on us.


Well-known member
I was always quiet as a kid. I went a good month before talking to anyone in my kindergarten class. I never really considered it a problem until high school when I noticed everyone did things on their weekends and I didn't because I was too shy to get involved.

Junior high was terrible for me. I isolated myself more and more. In my freshmen year of HS I made some new friends and have been more outgoing ever since, but I'm still very very shy :(


New member
I've always been a shy person, but I've almost always had many friends during my life.

The first time I started having problems was when my best friend moved to Portugal. I then realised that my friends at school were starting to act strangely around me. So I made new friends when I was 13 and didn't have any problems.

When I was 16, I had an argument with one of my new friends, and then I decided to stop speaking to the whole group of friends I had even though I only got angry with one of them. A few months later, I was unable to speak normally to any person and my SA was starting to develop.

Right now, I've realised what I did wrong and know what I should have done instead. I've been going to college for 4 years now, and have been suffering from SA, but I'm happier this year because I know what my problem is and I hope I can finally fight back and recover what SA took away from me.


Well-known member
I've been having depersonalization for as long as I can remember... I've always been like this. I choose to define my shyness and my various anxieties and my self-hatred ans self-deprecation as a part of my personality (yes, I know that many therapists warn people not to). It's always been there.


New member
i ve been having this symptoms since i knew myself they got worse when i was in highschool so still getting worse now sometimes i have to go to pschiatrist
All my life, i was a painfully shy child to begin with, but the social anxiety started getting worse due to bullying at school and had continued to get worse throughout my twenties.