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I've always been shy. I was just talking about this with my mom. She told me a story of how I always hated Halloween because I didn't like dressing up and thought that everyone would look at me if I was wearing a costume, even though that's obviously the point. Like she asked me one time when I was maybe 8, why I didn't want to wear my costume and I said, "people will look at me!" And even when I was a little baby she said that I would scowl or even cry when people would look at me. lol.
So I always remember it being a problem and I always remember blushing a lot and not wanting to be the center of attention. Though I guess it may have gotten worse once I got into high school just because that's mostly when kids would start hanging out and going to parties on the weekends and dating, and I never did any of that. I feel like I had friends in elementary and middle school, but once I got into high school I wasn't really able to keep them or something. Like I would talk to some people in school, but I would never hang out with anyone outside of school and I would just go home by myself and sit at the computer every single day. Although I didn't really mind being by myself.
So yes, in conclusion, I've always been shy! I just got a great book though called "The Shyness Solution," and it's really great and helps you to become "shy-confident" and it tells of the positive attributes that shy people usually possess, yet they often discount them because they're so focused on the negative aspects of shyness that our society portrays on us.
So I always remember it being a problem and I always remember blushing a lot and not wanting to be the center of attention. Though I guess it may have gotten worse once I got into high school just because that's mostly when kids would start hanging out and going to parties on the weekends and dating, and I never did any of that. I feel like I had friends in elementary and middle school, but once I got into high school I wasn't really able to keep them or something. Like I would talk to some people in school, but I would never hang out with anyone outside of school and I would just go home by myself and sit at the computer every single day. Although I didn't really mind being by myself.
So yes, in conclusion, I've always been shy! I just got a great book though called "The Shyness Solution," and it's really great and helps you to become "shy-confident" and it tells of the positive attributes that shy people usually possess, yet they often discount them because they're so focused on the negative aspects of shyness that our society portrays on us.