We're being represented on U.S. TV tonight.


Well, not specifically our tight community here at SPW, but our types of people. Not much of a warning because I just remembered myself, but at 7pm on NBC Dr. Oz's show is about "shut-ins."

BTW, I'm no big Oz fan, but a show I watch every week is on right after it. Last Thursday I was waiting for my show and I caught that Tuesday (tonight) would be a show about agoraphobics. So if you live in the U.S. and are watchin the tube right now you have something to watch in a half hour. Maybe they put it online like on Hulu.com or something, but I'm too lazy to check.

I'm just trying to say it's the first real publicity I've seen for anxiety disorders I've seen like ever. You see them portrayed in real movies, but I think it would be a good for the people who visit this site to see people who are dealing with the same issues.



Well-known member
That sounds cool. I'm going to watch it :) There was an episode of "House M.D." a while ago that dealt with a guy who either had agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder.


Haha my bad. it's not on tonight I just checked...It must have been some other night or probably the Olympics are getting involved with stuff. I know he's got a show about it it'll be out there soon lol... on on of those websites to watch somewhere ya know?
