weird: nervous reactions to sounds


This is a weird thing that I do, and I wonder if anyone else in the world experiences it. Basically, when I'm feeling nervous in a social situation, certain loud sounds can trigger a HUGE shot of nervous feeling.

For example, when I'm getting a haircut and the clipper buzzes close to my ear, or at a movie when loud sounds are playing. What happens is my head trembles, actually vibrates, and I instantly start fidgeting because I can't contain the nervousness.

Now the last time it was happening I tried something that seemed to help. I was sitting in a chair with a book in a bookstore, and somewhat nervous becuase I was sitting quite close to a girl. And right nearby, there was this door that would rub on the floor and make a huge SNOOORK sound when someone opened it, which triggered my odd reaction.

So after that happening many times, I started to imagine myself completely flipping out, jumping out of the chair the next time it would happen. Then wouldn't you know it, the reaction lessened each time after I started imagining that. Then finally, I imagined being completely calm and not reacting at all, and after that it went away completely!

But I have yet to see if this technique will help in other situations.
Omg that happens to me, its really strange. Theres alot of loud noises that make me, idont know, it sort of sends an intense rush of fear through me?? Hairdryers, vacuums, trucks, motorbikes, and just other loud sounds (or unusual ones). And another strange thing, I loove horror movies etc, but i find i have to block my ears in order to watch without getting that rush - simply because thats when the music etc gets louder and BANG, i can watch it fine with my ears blocked, it doesnt block out all the sound just reduces it to a regular level,, or if its a movie at home i'll just turn it right down lol


Well-known member
It's not about the sounds themselves, but because you're not expecting them. If you're sitting down with a clear view over what's happening around you, there's nothing to worry about, but if you suddenly hear something unexpected, it'll freak you out because you're not "in control" of your surroundings anymore, etc.


Well-known member
I have the same problem, but mine is worse. I also fear people's sounds for example when they cough loudly.


Well-known member
It depends. I never liked loud, unexpected noises, and I hate going to factories etc. If I am having an edgy day, any noise can tick me off, but most days I am okay with this.