Weird Intrusive Thoughts


Well-known member
Yes, it is time consuming and frustrating, but I can't take the risk and not do whatever it is. The more anxious I am, the worse it is. Infact, I don't like talking about it even, it may make me think more about it!



i get that a lot to, I have only recently heard about OCD and I find it very comforting that its not just me. Ever since I was little I would get thoughts like that, I remember during a play that I was attending with my class, it happened, "If you look behind you, you will die" .....well i dont always listen, and im still here :) I just try and think logically about whats happening, what does everyone else do to cope with these thoughts??
i have that same pattern, but it's not "if i don't do ______ i will die," but rather that someone close to me will die, or something very bad will happen to them. it sucks, but luckily it only happens to me really when i brush my teeth, wash my hands, drink water before bed...simple things, not really tedious.
I've had many weird intrusive thoughts.... If i was on the bus and touched the seat in font of me.. the person sitting in it could read my mind.. which made me think awful they would think i was a bad person.. I'm a tall person .. so my knees always hit the seat in front... Also cooking food for other people .. there were times when i would throw whole cooked meals out because i was convinced i had contaminated it.. a hard one to explain to the people waiting for dinner.. and so on .. i dont get these so much anymore.. but sometimes obssess about why i thought them etc.


Well-known member
I get them...for me its if i change something, something bad will happen. I can't throw out a lot of things for that reason, I get obsessed that it will somehow cause bad things to happen to me or people I love.

Sometimes I have panic attacks when my husband asks me to clear out something (piles of junk mail, my closet, etc.) I can't tell him why I don't want to do it, because I'm afraid he'll think I'm crazier than he probably already thinks I am. So I kind of suck it up and try to do it when he's not home so he can't see me crying and stuff.

Pathetic, I know, lol.