Weird feeling in my face in public?


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I've got SA, checking OCD, and BDD, so I dunno which of these is causing which symptoms, but I wanted to finally ask around about what I've been feeling in my facial area recently.

Basically if you've ever felt Restless Leg Syndrome, the feeling of restlessness or tingling or something in your leg is what I'm feeling.....but in my face. It only happens when I'm in public and I think it occurs when I think people are looking at me. I get this restless feeling in my lips and smile area and I know it sounds crazy....but I feel like if I don't keep that feeling in check, I'll suddenly smile out of the blue or do something crazy.

It's really hard to describe this, I hope someone else out there has the same thing. I think it's because when I'm in public most of my attention goes to my face, and then the SA kicks in and says "don't smile too much, you'll look like a tool!" or "don't frown you idiot, no one else is frowning!" or "you look really boring right now, you should probably smile at least a little, BUT NOT TOO MUCH!" etc etc

The result of all these excessive thoughts......I my face ends up sorta confused, constantly making little adjustments to fit what I feel I should look like...and I absolutely hate this feeling.


when im around people that im not 100% comfortable with i also feel as if i have to keep my face "in check" like what you were saying. otherwise if i dont focus on it i tend to smile and laugh uncontrollably.


Well-known member
Is this a symptom of SA? I really hate it and want to get some help for it...the amount that it effects me varies, but in general I hate the feeling.