Weird Experience


Well-known member
I just remembered a weird experience I had yesterday, I was nervous walking through town and then this women came round the corner. She was so hot I couldnt believe it.. never had that experience before. Wern't just hmm shes nice but was more OMG wow. she was the kinda girl id like lol, but anyways looks wernt the point but when is saw her i just lost all my anxiety and time went slow... i must be going crazy :?:


Well-known member
Oh so you saw my girlfriend? :p

Normally I am the opposite. If I see a good looking girl I get anxious. Sometimes I can't even look at a girl if she is too good looking.


Well-known member
You must have found her very attractive to focus all of your attention on her like that.I've had something simular like that happen to me before.

To bad there no :twisted:


Well-known member
Hahaha good for you that is pretty cool!! now you can have dreams about her ;)

That kind of thing has happened to me before and it's like ahhhhh daydream lol. :lol:


Well-known member
yeah normally though I go red when I see hot ones but she was different, she looked perfect! now i have somone new to stay up over at night :wink: