weed increase SA


Well-known member
Smoking weed worsens SA. I used to smoke loads of all the time. Yeah, its really sociable, how ironic is that?

All my friends at college were pot heads, we did it to be sociable, funnily enough we had nothing to talk about when we were straight, hence why we were always stoned. It was an escape from the HArSH reality that communicating with others is sometimes tricky.

Smoking weed only increases SA because its like we learn a different way to repsond to our world which doesnt correspond to reality. And the method is escapism, its like we cant deal with it so we smoke weed. Yes its meant to relax you, but your mind becomes estranged to what's really going on. Prolonged use in my view only heightens paranoia, weed is one of the worst because it doesnt seem a bad drug, it becomes normal, but then before you realise it, you are anxious all the time, needing a smoke to 'chill out'.



Really bad experience with it myself.James pretty much worte what i have to say.. from about 14 i was an everyday smoker to kinda escape the reality of home,and i really think this hindered me in growing up socialy... and also masked my anxiety problem.When i quit when i was 18 to try and get my life back on track.... boom id been anxious before for a couple of years now but after quitting sp hit me like a bus.

And to the original question it really does make it worse now,if i touch a joint it makes my sp 10 times worse and is almost defo to bring on a panick attack.I think because the drugs affects are subtle at first.. and thats why some people think its okay..when i was 16 or so i would of sworn the drug was safe but i couldnt see the mess i was in at the time. but if abused over time you dont realise till its too late.. i know that might seem a bit dramatic but ive had an old school firend end up with physcohis because of it and end up in a phsciatric unit for a while.Many friends compalin of being paranoid and ended up quite ill mentally,and i think the fact we were all heavy smokers for years is 2 much of a coincedence to dismiss.Might not of been the sole reason but i think it played its part.

Ive also spoke to other people on this site,and they have had the same experience as me that in quiting cannabis it has braught on the release of full blown sp or agraphobia.. it really is somthing to avoid i think


This is a tough one to figure out and one that Ive thought about a lot. I think that if you feel that you are prone to SA, then you should avoid smoking pot. However, I dont believe that there is a cause-effect-relationship. Some of the most outgoing people I know are regular users. Also, look at musicians and performers and comedians who smoke pot, these people wouldnt be able to work if they had SA (I know this isnt hard evidence).

In my experience, I have noticed that I can become more self conscious when high, but I can also fly to the other extreme and be very sociable and laidback; it just depends on the situation. I have also gone years without smoking and still had my battles with SA.