We don't get heard.....


Well-known member
I think that’s it. To put it simply, we just don't get heard. Nobody cares about our problems. We are all just too amicable and nice. We don't speak up when it is necessary. We accept our fate all too easily. We need to be more vocal to make changes. Look at the attention that schizophrenia has achieved. We need to get social phobia into the lime light. It needs to be recognized (it is) as an anxiety disorder and taken more seriously. Most people I come across just dismiss it as shyness. What the hell do they know? They don't know. Let's make ourselves heard. Any comments???


Well-known member
I think shyness and niceness/pushover-ness go hand in hand. The problem is addressed, and there is help for it... however, you're dealing with the direct impact of having nobody around you really know what it's like to like to have it. It's like trying to put yourself in the place of somebody who just had surgery or gave birth. You don't really know the pain, but you can conjure up the best imagery to better show sympathy. Unless of course you've been through it in the past... that's why it's good to talk with people who have overcome your problem.

If you feel nobody really knows, try speaking up. Quit being so nice. Get your social phobia into the limelight. Better yet, get fucking pissed off. Vent. I'm in the same boat you are, my friend, and by the sounds of it, you might need to express what you feel to those around you in order for them to get the head-on portrait of what you're going through.

So don't accept your fate so easily. You're the boss of you... nobody else can take that away.


Well-known member
The trouble with this disorder is that non-sufferers simply don't understand and they think that we are anti social, very shy, snobby, o'r weird, and i do agree that it's time for all mental illness not just social phobia to have the stigma removed.


Well-known member
Infected. My point exactly. Meaning it does come down to us. We do need to make this anxiety disorder more understood by the general wider community. I guess what I am asking for is leadership. That is someone to profess our ailments. OK this may sound disconnected but I thought that the movies could enlighten the public. A beautiful mind, (Russell Crowe) schizophrenia. Little miss sunshine (Steve Carrel) depression. Where is our fucken movie?? I know this argument is pathetic. However the point I am trying to make is this. Not many people are aware of Social Anxiety. It just doesn't rate. We need to be heard..


Well-known member
nobody care about my problems because I dont make them known. I keep it all bottled up and put on a happy face because I dont feel comfortable having a talk with someone about my feelings.

if I made them known I know people would want to help me, but I would feel too uncomfortable.


Well-known member
Well Alex. Can you learn to be more comfortable discussing you problems? I am sure you can. You just need to be around others that understand you. I mean you need to talk to others that have those same issues you do. It's not rocket science. Do you think I would discuss my problems with my brother in law? No way. And guess what he is a medical doctor. The point being. That we should surround ourselves with others who have similar issues. Call it a support group if u like. This web site could be considered a support group too. Meaning, spread your wings, if u fall we will catch you.......... :D


Well-known member
Johno said:
Well Alex. Can you learn to be more comfortable discussing you problems? I am sure you can. You just need to be around others that understand you. I mean you need to talk to others that have those same issues you do. It's not rocket science. Do you think I would discuss my problems with my brother in law? No way. And guess what he is a medical doctor. The point being. That we should surround ourselves with others who have similar issues. Call it a support group if u like. This web site could be considered a support group too. Meaning, spread your wings, if u fall we will catch you.......... :D

Thanks Johno. I know I can get better. Im just not with the right people right now. I still have hope that will change soon!


Well-known member
You will change Alex. It's just a matter of time. And when you do your so called friends may not like it. They will probably want the old Alex back. But this is when you have to be a little selfish. Keep going. Be selfish. Put Alex first. Focus on making you happy. After all it’s your life. Your friends will come around. I did this in my own life and it worked. Strangely people wanted to know me. Fuck no's why. There is a lot of truth in fake it until you make it. Just make sure the person you are faking is the person you want to be. I know it is a lot more complicated than this. Just be aware that most of us struggle with the same things you struggle with.
