We can make this happen


Well-known member
Hi there, I've been thinking a lot over the 4 years for which I've had SA and have come up with an idea. Wow your probably saying a whole idea.lol
basically what it is, is a community for people with all sorts of problems like SA SP eatting disorders all sorts e.c.t and we come together as a community and help each other out go to classes like;MEDITATION
A bit like the priory only run by fellow suffers i.e you and me im going to start fund raising for it who's with me.oli


i agree.. but im afriad we're the radicals and fringe lunatics.

i'd love a full on breakaway from general society.
i've been toying with declairing the internet a country and conducting leadership matters on a citizen level.
ahhhh a person can dream, a person can dream


Well-known member
I love ideas like this...I'm a bit of a hippie socialist at heart ya see :p

My idea: to have something like a self-help/therapy book sharing community:

I.e. someone owns a book, if it has benefited them then they can send it to another member who reads it, follows it through then either sends it back to the original owner or to another member. We could get a proper circulation of books going around...that way people can pick up lots of of fresh perspectives about how to help themselves, without spending loads of money (just postage costs). I'd be totally willing to set this up.

I think it would work cause many people probably have self-help books stored away that helped them, but they don't read anymore.

Problem 1: There would have to be quite a few members involved for it to work well (probably)

Problem 2: Postage costs, books getting lost in the mail, etc.

Problem 3: Trusting members to return books, which could be easily solved by using a deposit system

If anyone is interested in this idea pls reply or pm!


Well-known member
We're spread out across the globe. I only know one other person here from Norway, and he doesn't even live close to me.