<waves> hi


i'm d/g. i've been feeling dizzy for over a month and got told on monday it was psychological and down to depression and anxiety.
i got perscribed citalopram, and after taking it for two days i have made a decision i am not going to take it anymore. may be silly, may not be silly, i dunno. but all i know is i was feeling ok monday and yesterday i was a complete wreck. i had to call my dad over to come and be with me. something i would never do cos i'm not really talking to him at the moment since he left my mum. he told me he was just like me, took the pills for two days and then left it, and went on to find alternative methods.
which is why i am here i guess, looking for alternative support/methods.

i thought i was reacting to the tablets this morning and went to see my gp. i could not believe how nice they were to me. he perscribed me diazipan, which i am soooooo not going to take.

i don't want people here to think that i am silly and it's my own fault i feel this way because i'm not taking medication that has been perscribed to me. i just want to try alternative drug free methods before i find myself in need to take perscribed anti'ds.

so anyways, hi.


Well-known member
Hey Doylesgirl Welcome :D

I don't think that you are silly...As I know what you mean I did the same thing though I was on a different one and was on it a bit longer but as you said I wanted to find a different way... I wasn't totally against anti'ds but I wanted to try other things and have them as kinda like a last resort I guess...Anywho I hope that you find what you are looking for and if you ever want to talk I'm nearly always here...lol...