Water Guard for sweaty hands


Well-known member
I seen this on no-ets too. Thanks for sharing, maybe someone could try it to find out if it works. :) I'm hopeful that one day us lot will find a cure one day, it's all just trial and error!


Active member
So What the person is saying is, 10 Press ups and drinking treated water has cured or reduced HH?

Well it's not the press ups! so that leaves "Water guard" and from what I gather this is in Kenya where the water is not treated to the same level as UK, USA etc.


My only thinking is this person was drinking water which could of had contaminants that effect the nervous system producing the HH that way and now he drinks the treated water it is stopping the contaminets getting through and thus no effect on nervous system. However this is only a guess, I have no scientific qualifications or much understanding of the nervous system.

I am very skeptical of anything offering a cure for HH as if there was one currently I'm sure it would be documented in the medical community.

I am specifically talking about the e-books for sale, I remember buying one and the advice for underarm sweating was to not use any antiperspirants and scrub your armpit with a Loofa! You can guess how well that worked for me!
I am also giving the Green Vibrance a trial as I will not discount anything that could help but with out any verified scientific research on it I will always remain doubtful.

Good luck to the Guy if its still working and I hope it continues to do so.