want feel like someone else


New member
hi everyone,

some times i want to feel like someone else. for example i read a news that a mother lost her child in an accident and then immediately i try feel what she feels. i try this until i feel like her and sometimes i cant and cant stop this.

is there anyone who lives this.

thank you


Active member
It's called empathy, and it's good for you. Tuning in with other people's feelings will help you make better decisions and generally improve your life. Please, do NOT take steps to cure your chronic empathy disorder. Of course, I'm joking, there is no such disorder, empathy is actually not a disorder but is the highest order. We need more people like you!
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New member
hello oscar,
thank for your reply. i agree you empaty is good but this is not empaty i think. i try feel like someone else perfectly so i try this more and more times until i feel like him or her. and i cant stop me until feel perfect, clear.


Super Moderator
It's called empathy, and it's good for you. Tuning in with other people's feelings will help you make better decisions and generally improve your life. Please, do NOT take steps to cure your chronic empathy disorder imaginable. Of course, I'm joking, there is no such disorder, empathy is actually not a disorder but is the highest order. We need more people like you!

I like this post.


I get this all the time. Ive been doing that for like 6 or something years now, and I really kinda hate it. I always try to completely become the other person, take their feelings, appearance, senses, situation onto myself, in order to feel what they are feeling, because I have to know. I think one part may be empathy, but the other is OCD. Constantly trying to feel what someone else is feeling and not stopping until you feel what you think they feel is obsessive compulsive, and the more you try the more you are going to feel messed up. I try to not let myself go that far anymore and I try and value my own take/perspective on the issue, which is hard to do but the more you try and put yourself in someone elses shoes all the time, non stop, can really hurt your own self esteem and will likely lower the value you have on you're own opinion. It's possible I read too much into what you were saying, but thats how that goes for me at least... Ugh le sigh


Do you feel like them only when they feel bad, or do you also feel like them when they are happy? I could do with that, I´d be stealing people´s happiness ha.

(Btw so far I am no vampire yet, don´t worry).