Want a confidence boost?


Well-known member
I am a sufferer of SAD and I am very shy. This thread is basically for guys, sorry ladies.
Last year, I grew very angry in a secret way because I wasn't getting the proper respect I thought I should have been getting. I knew it was because of my size because the more "popular" kids would bully me with their words that were aimed at my size. I got sick of it and I took all my anger out on the weight room. Over the summer I went to the weight room four times a week and got HUGE! I gained 15 lbs of pure muscle and now I look jacked. So now a days, those kids still bully me in a way, but in a kidding fashion. They now have respect for me because they know that I have the ability to prove people wrong. I have gained so much confidence because of my work in the weight room. It feels GREAT! The weight room is the best way to take out any anger in a self-advancing way. Just some advice for those who have been storing some secret anger for a long time.


Well-known member
Niice. Looks like you found something that works for you. I'm one of those guys that, even if I were given good looks, tons of chicks, worked out, looked ripped, had a ton of friends... I'd still never be proud of the man i am inside.


Well-known member
To Icaresunderwater or w/e:

I totally understand your problems but I think youve got the wrong stereotype for a gym. I felt the same way when I started. The only reason I started is b/c I was so motivated that I almost didnt even give a shit about waht other people thought about me. That was a huge step for me b/c I constantly think about what others think about when they see me. I used to think that a gym was only for the already strong people but its definetly not. I go to a gym with bunch of huge body builders AND fat motivated people and they have got to be the nicest people I have ever met. They are the nicest people b/c theyre there for the same exact reason you are. Personally, I think that going to the gym every day or at least once every three days will boost you out of your "shell" like a rocket. And when you know youve been working hard, and you can feel it, thats when you know your making progress. IT FEELS FN AWESOME!!!


IcarusUnderWater2, if you are really concerned about feeling self-conscious in the gym, buy yourself a set of dumbells and start working out at home. Once you start seeing the results, I believe your self-consciousness will melt away. I must agree that bodybuilding is one of the fastest ways to build one's confidence (I am speaking from experience). I learned this a while ago in one of the many self-esteem books I read.