Walk Britain


Active member
After 3 years of bad depression and anxiety I have left my job, friends and my life basically. My family have gone past the point where they were annoyed about me not working which is a huge weight off my shoulders as I think they are finally starting to understand my problem lol My Dad spoke to me yesterday saying it's really about time I should get some help. I have never seen a doc about my problem as I keep thinking it's something I can work out myself :roll: ...

...I've got to the point where I'm thinking my life is pointless, I am bored, stressed, getting unfit and I really want to do something about it!

Do you ever feel like just walking and want to get away from it all?? Well I have been recently and I've thought about giving myself the challenge of a lifetime. This will give my life a purpose and it will be the greatest journey!

I want to walk around the whole of Britain...

...Walk the coastlines of England Scotland and Wales (mainland Britain). This has been done by a number of people, alot of them done it to raise money for charity. Nearly all of them wrote a book about their 5000+ mile journey, which is another idea for me!

This idea came to me because I sometimes feel like it's not fair on my family for me to be living at home without paying my way and it can be very stressful for them, to have a son that is experiencing these problems.
I've thought on a few occasions of leaving to live on the streets, and one time I got drunk and actually left to live rough on the streets of the town centre. I came home about 5am lol. The idea of becoming homeless is certainly not a nice one, but I then came up with the idea of walking around Britain. I would technically be homeless for a year or so but I would experience a wonderful thing, and meet amazing people along my journey!

What the heck, it's worth doing in my eyes. I feel like i'm dead to the world so what's to lose!!??


Well-known member
I hate to burst your bubble mate and others may disagree but this sounds a bit like a 'let's run away from our fears' scenario to me.

Before i really faced my sa i found myself come up with loads of 'grand plans' eg: starting a business, going on amazing travels, etc.

'This will give my life purpose and be the greatest journey' particularly rings warning bells, tho i could be completely wrong! If you really want to change your life for the better, ask yourself why you are really unhappy? Bcos of anxiety? Then how to feel like you are 'giving your life purpose'...take steps to cure your sa. Visit your doctor or find a method that works for you.

If you went on this trip it might indeed 'be the greatest journey', snap you out of your depression, give you confidence and motivation to get better afterwards. Note that getting better afterwards is your real ultimate goal anyway?

However remember you will probably take your anxiety with you on this trip therefore will it be the 'greatest journey'? I don't know how bad your anxiety is. Will you really enjoy meeting loads of strangers?

I think what you may more be looking for is an achievement...any achievement. Because you feel like a bit of a failure at the moment? But will this achievement change your anxiety and the reason you feel like a failure? Maybe not.

Anyway that's my long rambling train of thoughts!


Oh wow! I think that's awesome!.....you may have depression and anxiety, but there must be something massively powerful inside of you to have ambitions like that!

also, not sure if this is a positive thing to say, but I think sometimes its the people who hit rock bottom that end up doing incredible things....there's a perspective on life you can only get when you've hit the bottom...like there's nothing more to fear almost....or nothing to lose at least.

I do kinda agree with flake on various points though. Like you probably will take your anxiety with you. but I wouldn't let that put you off. It's one of those things that people always dream of doing but no-one ever has the balls to do it! Maybe you're just the person with just the right circumstances to do it!

I guess the reality is, after a days walking, maybe 40-50 miles away from your home, the sun will go down and you'll need a place to sleep. Then the next morning the sun will come up and you'll need something to eat. But maybe if you did a bit of organisation beforehand...take a tent and sleeping bag...get a list of possible campsites and homeless shelters ect...and as much money as possible...I reckon it's do-able!!!

here's a tip:


don't give up!!!


New member
I can understand the sentiment of wanting away. I may be young and new to the whole concept of SA but I know getting away from things does not get rid of the feeling.

Through my school years i dreamt of getting away from everything, just up and leaving it all behind, whether it was dreaming of going to university away from what i knew (good days) or just picking a destination and going (medium days) or jumping off a bridge (bad days).

i still feel that way, i still want away from everything and everyone i know, but i know it won't cure anything. I'd probably be much worse if it wasn't for who and what i know, even if i feel a burden and unwanted.


Active member
I've pushed the idea of "getting away" from the anxiety to the back of my mind, and now this is just seems like a great adventure in itself. I've forgot about trying to cure my SA and now I just want to concentrate and focus on making this idea of a trip actually happen. I've had enough of hanging around my house, and I want something to focus all my strength and energy on, and this sure it a big plan :lol:

If this trip actually happened and I came home after a year or 2 still suffering from SA, then I'll be none the worse off!... I'd have accomplished a monster of a trip and maybe then I'd be more confident about gettin help anyway lol


It is not a bad idea. But will be very tough, esp. in Britain with the costs! And do you think you´ll manage to sleep in tent only for 2 years? Especially if it´s raining. Maybe you should try some walk for a week or so first and it will put you in a perspective if you think you can manage. Also I would rather try a walk in some sunny country instead, like the south of Spain. But everybody is different.
Going on a walk-about isn't a very response-able thing to do. Perhaps you could do it after working and saving tons of money. If you want to learn how to live a full life even with the anxiety and depression you have, maybe you can try ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy). There are a number of ACT self-help workbooks that can help you get back to your life.


Well there was a couple riding on their bikes to India and back via Tibet, China and Russia(!) They slept in tent and used no money, ate wild berries and mushrooms or what people gave them. Cooked on fire. Had no insurance. They found a new life living like this and found that the less money you have, the greater fun. But they were very strong I admit, also could support each other as a couple which gives great psychical strenghth. They found money is not important for life.