

Well-known member
Ive asked this before a while back, and i know theres alot of new people and i just want to ask does anyone else here have someone in their head that they talk too? I know that sounds really mad but for me its normall, iam not talking about the voice you hear when thinking somthing over iam talking about full converstions.

I dont wanna say too much just now incase its just me :roll:


Active member

Trust me, you are very normal. Most of us don't even notice the 'voices' in our heads let alone the conversations. But they are there in all of us.

In fact, it's great that you can hear them! You are one of the lucky ones! This means you have the real potential to overcome your SA/SP by dealing with the cause. And the cause is.....? Why, the voices and conversations in our heads of course!

We believe these 'voices' and 'conversations' are us, our identity. They aren't, they are the result of our social conditioning. They are not 'real' as such, just the negative thoughts and stories our mind conjures up - but they effect us often quite profoundly.

So what to do? Read this book for starters.....

"There is Nothing Wrong With You"
Sounds like schizophrenia to me. I only have one voice in my head. But sometimes it repeats things I heard from other people. Or at least my intrepretation of what they said, such as "you're lazy", "you're useless", etc.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, just try to ignore voices that say that you should do something crazy like hurt yourself or others. Modern medicine says we need pills for everything. But these pills just make us worse. Instead try something like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT teaches us to just notice irrational thoughts and feelings, and to use our values to guide us.

Read "Mad In America", it states that people in third world countries get better outcomes than people here. Mainly because the drug companies and doctors here care more about making money than in helping people.


Active member
Well at night, when I'm waiting to fall asleep in bed; I hear, for instance, my mum saying my name very quickly (despite the fact that she is well asleep herself).


Active member
People, I'm pretty sure what he is talking about are not audible voices in his head. What do you think thoughts are for goodnes sake. We think because we have a language so it goes without saying that thoughts are actually us talking to ourselves. Thoughts are a mixture of images, voices and, yes conversations in our heads. However, many of us don't 'hear' them as voices we just label the voices as thoughts because we are so used to them and they have been there since early childhood.

When you start doing meditation or mindfulness awreness practice or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) you will notice these 'voices' or thoughts more and nore. That's the whole point!

The fact he can hear these voices is a positive thing - and "Scottish_Player" I'm sure you are not schizophrenic. You sound perfectly normal. Take the next step with one of the above sytems...


Well-known member
Kevj said:
When you start doing meditation or mindfulness awreness practice or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) you will notice these 'voices' or thoughts more and nore. That's the whole point

When i hear him, its not when iam meditating, i can be doing anything at the time and it just happens, just like someone walking into a room and starting a convo with me. He dosent tell me to do silly things, infact he more so guides me through life and advises me, i know this may sound crazy to some and the one thing he told me was not to tell anyone about it because they will only think iam crazy/stupid, he says that all people have the ability but just dont know how to use it.

Last week for instance i was at work, i had a guy sitting in my van next to me and instead of chatting away with him i found my self talking away to the guy in my head for ages, but not in a crazy way, i do want to emphazises the CRAZY because that iam not.

Anyway i want say anymore because its hard to try to talk about somthing that most people dont understand. Ive searched the net for this and any thing that is to do with voices in the head either comes up scitzo or some other kind of problem


Well-known member
For sure I do! :D
I think everyone does but some people are more or less sensitive to it. Also, I've been told that mine is closely related to OCD, especially if this thought that pops up unexpectedly is nothing like "the real you", and comes back the more you fight it off. That's obsessive thinking, and I do know what that's like.

I think that voice that says "you're stupid, useless, etc." is nothing but that critical thing inside of you, and it does absolutely nothing for you self esteem. If the thoughts are bad, scary, or hurtful, the best way is to get rid of it is to not let yourself be riled by them. Play dead to the thoughts, is what I've read.

Anyway, your inner voice, Scottish Player sounds helpful. All that is, is the inner you, I think. It may be an special ability that we are all capable of. I don't think it's anything bad. You are just more intune to yourself and can more easily distinguish the wisdom inside yourself.


Well-known member
When you say you have voices in your head that you have conversations with, is it your own voice that you hear in your head, telling you what to do?
I don't want to admit this to anyone but.....I often hear my own voice in my head telling me I'm stupid and I had better be careful and what I should and shouldn't do...It makes me wonder if I really am insane, I often end up swearing to myself because I'm talking to myself...like I'm nuts :oops:


Well-known member
in terms of me tryin to MAKE myself do things I do talk to myself by repeating "I CAN DO THIS" in my mind. At the same time I have this annoying part of me sayin I CANT DO THIS. These are not multiple personalities, even tho they say differnt things...its still me!


Well-known member

The 'voice in my head' or mental consciousness/awareness is normal.

It's like bad elevator music. We just wanna stop listening to it. But sometimes it feels like "me" so we sometimes enjoy listening to it.

Our self is not this voice because our self depends on other things aswell, such as our body & our feelings. So this voice alone is not "me".

It's a bit like a collection of our senses, experiences, imagination all rolled into one "voice".
