

Well-known member
I really hate my voice. It just seems so unenthusiastic. I have a real low voice and not very clear either, so sometimes I am not even heard. I am getting better.. but it just sucks. I am not sure if my tone of voice is because of the SP or if it is the cause of SP. I just feel that things would be a little better if I had a more lively, fun voice.

Does anyone have this problem?


Well-known member
OH GOD YES!!! My voice is low and it sounds so...dead...Especially when I'm nervous my voice is so low i'm sure people have a hard time hearing the words I'm saying. I think tho that it is really only me that really cares so thats a little comforting.


I have the exact same kind of voice...its pathetic...i feel like its hard to sound supportive or enthused. I think this is something that comes from just not having as much experience talking and being social. The fact is there is nothing special or different about us in any way it's just our journey through life that shapes us. We're all just products of our environment and if you don't like where you're at now then you have to work to change yourself. Here's one of my favorite quotes:

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

If you want to get good at anything you have to practice. So the more you do it the better you will get, I guarantee that.


Well-known member
barodapride said:
I have the exact same kind of voice...its pathetic...i feel like its hard to sound supportive or enthused. I think this is something that comes from just not having as much experience talking and being social. The fact is there is nothing special or different about us in any way it's just our journey through life that shapes us. We're all just products of our environment and if you don't like where you're at now then you have to work to change yourself. Here's one of my favorite quotes:

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.

If you want to get good at anything you have to practice. So the more you do it the better you will get, I guarantee that.

Thank you for that quote. It hit me hard.


Well-known member
Moonie said:
I really hate my voice. It just seems so unenthusiastic. I have a real low voice and not very clear either, so sometimes I am not even heard. I am getting better.. but it just sucks. I am not sure if my tone of voice is because of the SP or if it is the cause of SP. I just feel that things would be a little better if I had a more lively, fun voice.

Does anyone have this problem?
hey Moonie, oh yeah, i have that problem..i have a really quiet voice, sometimes i think my lips move and hardly a sound is uttered..then i have to repeat..that sucks. And my workplace is loud and hectic, so if i need to get someone's attention across the room or something, i pretty much have to chase them down..and get right up beside them to be heard :evil:


Well-known member
I hate my voice too. I get a lot of crap like, "why do you talk that way?" or "why does your daughter sound like a young boy?" it frustrates me a lot. But I try to forget about it and just talk because right now I'm trying to succeed in not caring what other people think.


Well-known member
I hate my voice too. I hate the entire sound of it, the way I speak everything. Then I hate the fact that I can be sooo quiet when talking to people I don't know - I've opened my mouth and said something, and LITTERALLY no sound issued forth. 8O :roll:


Active member
What I hate about my voice is that it sometimes comes out nasal, something I noticed when someone recorded a telephone conversation and let me hear it...the worst part was he didn't notice that I sounded different than normal on the phone, which means I sound as bad in public as I did to myself when I heard the recording.


Well-known member
Surely, not having a voice at all is worse?

People who cant speak for whatever reason would give everything to say to their loved ones, "i love you". Just to be able to tell others how they felt, being able to communicate. Think of some of those unfortunate disabled people who use sign language, whose voice is so distorted the only way anyone understands them is through grunts and signs. How desperate and isolating must that feel?

Your voice isnt as bad as you think, many in the past have loved the sound of your voice, many still do because you have something precious to give others. Through your voice you can bring so much good to the world, see it as as a magical instrument you have been given and your world will become magical, not as a curse for you to experience hate.



Well-known member
Jack-B said:
Surely, not having a voice at all is worse?

People who cant speak for whatever reason would give everything to say to their loved ones, "i love you". Just to be able to tell others how they felt, being able to communicate. Think of some of those unfortunate disabled people who use sign language, whose voice is so distorted the only way anyone understands them is through grunts and signs. How desperate and isolating must that feel?

Your voice isnt as bad as you think, many in the past have loved the sound of your voice, many still do because you have something precious to give others. Through your voice you can bring so much good to the world, see it as as a magical instrument you have been given and your world will become magical, not as a curse for you to experience hate.

i love your post Jack...i read it last night and have been thinking about it lots since..i esp. like the second paragraph and it's helping me rethink things a bit :wink:


New member
Wow, I am so glad that I read this thread, I thought I was the only one who thought this (along with several other things, that I consider to be "weird". But not here, thankfully). Sometimes when I'm talking to someone, I think "god, this person must be so bored with with my flat monotone voice". God, I even bore myself sometimes lol!


Well-known member
mrscasablancas said:
Wow, I am so glad that I read this thread, I thought I was the only one who thought this (along with several other things, that I consider to be "weird". But not here, thankfully). Sometimes when I'm talking to someone, I think "god, this person must be so bored with with my flat monotone voice". God, I even bore myself sometimes lol!
that's how i feel too..it's hard for me to speak with any animation in my voice..or enthusiasm or whatever..when i'm lucky to get the words out at all :roll:


lol this totally describes me too. The "We can't hear you" I've gotten all my life...even at dinner where people are like 2 feet away. I've really always thought that I naturally have a small/quiet voice since day 1, but now its reinforced to be quiet and hesitant because of my anxiousness. I actually find it more comfortable to talk to people who have quiet voices as well... for many reasons, one being they are similar:p, but honestly sometimes my ears start to ring when listening to people with really loud voices, haha. I don't know if that's true for others or not, but I seem to be sensitive in every way possible, taste, hearing, etc...and my voice sounds audible to me, but it usually never is for others, when I start talking in a 'normal' volume, it sounds extremely loud to myself:p. But like Jack says, it is true that whatever it is that our voices are, it is a signature of us, that will bring comfort or joy to those we have touched, and I can think of lots of actors and singers who have unusual voices, even annoying voices, that have used that to their benefit :).


New member
Yep, I'm able to relate to lots of commments already made. From my experience, when I feel confident I sound more normal, however where there's uncertainty, I sound quiet. The phone is another issue in itself. When I have to phone people my voice is monotonous, furthurmore, while answering calls its comes out more boyish.


Well-known member
Shy_girl and Shy_guy:

That has happened to me as well! One time in 8th grade my teacher called on me to go in front of the room to read out of the English book. I thought I was reading pretty loud but she kept saying "louder," until finally she just told me to sit down... :oops: ...

Then there was this one time in 9th grade English where we had to recite Romeo & Juliet lines in front of the class with a partner. Well, when I started to speak my lines some idiot started to laugh a little bit. My teacher was like, "Pat." And then he started to shake his head and said, "I'm sorry, I just never heard her talk before."

* I am sorry to hear about the chanting Shy_Girl. I really feel for you.. I know what it is like to practice something and think you have mastered it, and then this happens.. It seems as though your audience didn't even SHUTUP and listen. I think that's the problem some times. Though, whenever I had to do an oral report it seems like one could hear a pin drop in the room because that's the only time people got to hear me talk!


Active member
And then he started to shake his head and said, "I'm sorry, I just never heard her talk before."

I think it's shocking how people could just easily show what they think/feel without wondering if they might hurt someone's feeling/self-esteem. I could never imagine myself saying something like that so openly.

And the chanting is bad as well...it really sounds like something right out of a bad dream. I can't imagine going through something so dreadful.