Visit my site about social phobia and ocd!

No ads there.Just have mercy and visit my site. It was opened june 15. There are only three members (one is administrator (me) another is keithrichards (also me) and one member joined 2 days ago.
Please open some topics.


Well-known member
You have 5 members now, wooohoooo!!!! :p (im waiting for an activation btw :))

I loved the layout , is it a template? Or did you make it?
No.The web designer done the design and graphics.I have only wrote my story and opened some topics.First I was thinkin that I will put google adsense there, but they (google) told me that my site is not good for google adsense.So now I can tell someone to visit me.Anyway who cares, I am just happy for having a site about social phobia and Ocd.
Sorry for beeing so borring. Just wanna that someone visit my site and write at least one topic.If I will have 100 members until of end of the year then JUPI!!!! (it means somethin like "awsome" in croatian)