Vesicare/Solifenacin experience?


Well-known member
Again from memory, which unfortunately these days is not too reliable. I think I was on 3 x 5 mg daily of Vesicare. I cannot remember much about their effect on my HH as I was focusing on what they did for my bladder.

I have never been offered Vesicare as an H/H treatment, which may say something in itself. They may be in the same family as other HH drugs but are probably considered down the bottom of the list by those in the know.

I also find pro-banthine largely ineffective, so these drugs may be a horses for courses type thing.

Sorry I can't be any grater help.
Solifenacin is listed as a HH treatment medication on a few sites, but I've only heard of one person that has taken it. He had success with it, but stopped due to dry eyes.

I imagine it isn't recommended often because Vesicare was expensive and there was no generic Solifenacin on the market. However, you can get generic Solifenacin now.