Very hurt today


Well-known member
I feel hurt right now, do you mind if I cry? :cry: :? :(
I had the day from hell, someone at work said I walk funny, that I plod, and she asked what was wrong with me, I can't help the way I walk, I hurt my knee awhile ago and it sometimes plays up....and the rest, I guess is because I'm so nervous, I don't know why, but that one comment just really stings.

I was at the bank, and some stupid kid called me a redhead rat rooter (what does that mean anyway?)
And his mother was standing right next to him and let him do it.
So now I feel like the whole world hates me.
It's not like I ever wanted to be this way, but I can't change it, so why can't people accept that no-one is perfect.

And for an extra punch in the guts, I found out I have to pay $300 to see a specialist next week, that's half of what I earn!!!!
So now I'm sitting here realising what a stupid loser I am....I don't even know what the point of trying anymore is, I would just like to curl up in a dark corner and die. :cry: :oops: :x Even though I know all I'm going to do it get up tomorrow and go through it all again...sorry I'm complaining


Well-known member
*Hugs* I'm sorry you've had such a bad day Emma.

I know what it's like to be told you "walk funny" I damaged my knee when I was in my first year of secondary school - I spent the next six years "walking funny" and being told of the fact. :roll: Thankfully my knee is now mostly better, it just plays up occassionally.

I know all about having comments shouted too. :x

I wish people would be more accepting, instead of trying to inflate their own egos by putting others down.

I really hope you feel better soon.

*More hugs*



Well-known member
its okay to cry, its okay to complain. you had a bad day and you feel hurt. cry and complain all you want. but then - when you'll have enough tears and complaints - you can try to make your pain constructive. it's up to you, emma. you can take this experience as a sign that you are a stupid looser and the whole world hates you. or you take it as a painful-but-useful lesson.
good luck


Well-known member
I have had days in the past like that and yeah they were really upsetting. But hey, its time to look at these differently. Ok, so someone said you walk funny, but try not to think of that in a bad way. I mean don't let that hurt you, someone said that you walk funny which you don't really relish hearing but it doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't make you ugly, it doesn't make you stupid, it doesn't make you weird, it doesn't make you a bad person, it doesn't make you unintelligent (is that a word? you know what I mean though), it doesn't make you boring. I mean for sure we don't like people being critical of us, but this person who said it needs to give her head a shake, she has no idea about being sensitive towards people's feelings, she is the one with the problem. And anyone who thinks you are 'not good enough' simply for how you walk are not worth bothering with either. Don't think bad about this.

As for redhead rat rooter - unfortunately there are these immature brats out there who are so rude. Its shocking that this kid's mother didn't say anything. Kids can be the cruelest people, they have no idea about people's feelings. I remember kids at school used to say similar things about red heads, you have to take no notice, because these kids just see red hair and say stupid stuff, I remember people calling ginger haired people the ginger ninja. Stupid immature kids. But hey red hair is so cool, I think it looks fantastic.

I have had many insecurities and parts of me I have been self conscious about. But these comments don't need to hurt. You can laugh at these and for them not even be taken any notice of. That is what you need to think about such things. Because they don't matter. They only matter because we think of these things in a very negative way.

Tomorrow will be much better!


Well-known member
Im sorry about how you were made to feel Emma.

Just realise you do need to put it in perspective though.

Comments can really be taken the wrong way, or blown out of proportion, if you are feeling vulnurable. I know Emma, i have been there. Everything hurt, and was drastic.

In reality, those things dont been jack. The problem is, sufferers of anxiety and depression dont live in reality.

In the plain light of day, who cares what some jerk says about your walk, or some snotty nosed undisciplined little brat calls you.

Try and see it from that perspective. The world isnt really against us, we just think it is sometimes.

I bought these new shoes the other week. Very different shape and style to what i usually wear, and so my walk consequently is different. My friend told me im walking "funny", in the middle of an entertainment district at night. In the past, i could have taken it like i knife in the guts, but now, my attitude was "yeh good on ya, i like em" .. and life went on :wink:

Youl be ok Emma you will get there, dont give up


Well-known member
tommy_15 said:
Im sorry about how you were made to feel Emma.

Just realise you do need to put it in perspective though.

Comments can really be taken the wrong way, or blown out of proportion, if you are feeling vulnurable. I know Emma, i have been there. Everything hurt, and was drastic.

In reality, those things dont been jack. The problem is, sufferers of anxiety and depression dont live in reality.

In the plain light of day, who cares what some jerk says about your walk, or some snotty nosed undisciplined little brat calls you.

Try and see it from that perspective. The world isnt really against us, we just think it is sometimes.

I bought these new shoes the other week. Very different shape and style to what i usually wear, and so my walk consequently is different. My friend told me im walking "funny", in the middle of an entertainment district at night. In the past, i could have taken it like i knife in the guts, but now, my attitude was "yeh good on ya, i like em" .. and life went on :wink:

Youl be ok Emma you will get there, dont give up
awesome post Tommy :!: .....hiya Emma, i agree with Tommy...i guess we can't control when people are complete idiots around us..but we can control how much we let their stupidass comments bother, WTF is wrong with people :evil:..i also have these loud outspoken girls at work, and they seem to say every dumb thing that pops into their minds, not caring how it affects anyone else..and the little brat..yeah, his mom should have spoken up and told him how wrong it is to name call to anyone..try not to feel too badly because other people are jerks, and remember..they have the problem, not you!! :wink:


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you had such an awful day! sometimes kids and other people can be cruel, but they don't really think before they say. Or they don't regard others feelings. And I know exactly how you feel! I get strange comments about me all the time too. Like I eat funny, I walk funny, etc.... we can be real good friends :) *clears throat* Anyways don't worry about it. You're right that no one's perfect, and I bet those ppl have some issues about themselves too. At least you have something unique about you from other people.


Well-known member
I got ragged on for the way I walk all the time. I don't even know why, when I get anxious I just walk funny. Just take all that experience and turn it into something positive. You'll become a lot stronger and make sure no one dares to do that ever again 8)


Well-known member
Thankyou for your replies.

I'm not hurt anymore, now I'm just annoyed with her, she actually rang my home and asked if I was retarded!! What a big stupid bitch!!!
But I don't really care now, because at least I know I'm not a bitch...did I mention she's 60 years old and carrying on like girls I went to school with!!!
Plus everyone in the office started saying really nasty things about a guy who works now I know how he feels and he's been there for years.

I think I'm happier to be "weird" and know I'm not her :)
And on an off topic, she really really smells like old eggs, or maybe it's the foul stench of a bitter old lady!!! :p At least I still smell young!!! (I probably didn't make any sense then)


Well-known member
Anyone who calls (rings) you to ask if you are retarded is probably intentionally trying to get to you - to make you feel bad. I suspect that she is trying to make you feel bad because it makes her feel powerful or it makes her feel like "OH GOOD! NOW WE BOTH FEEL BAD INSIDE". Let's just agree that happy people don't treat others like she is treating you. If she thinks she has the 'power' to make you feel bad - she may also experiment with her 'power' to make you feel better...before making you feel bad again. Watch out for that and I hope you stay away from her. I am glad you are beginning to get annoyed and not hurt - her opinions are not worth listening to. Imagine if YOU thought someone was retarded...would you criticize them? Call them to ask if they were retarded? ...Uh...NO! Of course you would not. Who would DO THAT????
If you feel like some experiments of your own you could try using what is sometimes referred to as 'professional confusion'. Express suprise that she has the thoughts, feelings, reasons etc. that she expresses. No matter what she says you ask further amazed questions or reply to her answers with "Wow....I just never met ANYONE who thinks like YOU do...." and "Have you ALWAYS thought THIS WAY?" "And so you believed I was retarded and so you THOUGHT it would be good idea ME AND ASK??" "Wow.. I Just never thought I'd meet anyone who thinks like you..." "Do you find it hard to make or keep friends? BEcause if I did that to people no one would like me...." If you can't think of something to say - fill in with a look of suprised interest - like you were watching a person made of wax melt but try to avoid expressing emotions that she wants you to have - like pain or anger.

Or choose some other mind game. I got tired of people at the retail store I worked at telling me how stupid I was so when helping someone who was verbally abusive like that...I pretended to be too stupid to understand that I was being insulted. I mean HOW could I lower their opinion of me? While someone shouted at me about girls runners that the store didn't stock, I gave them a happy but VERY VERY blank pleasant smile and said things that were technically correct (Thank you for shopping with us) but out of place (when they just yelled at me that they would never shop there again). I prefer the 'avoid them' method myself (less energy wasted on abusive people - I am really happier without confrontation) but if I really can't avoid them and if I become angry, I sometimes engage in low key mind games like 'confusion. Of course it enrages them but if they complained about me everything they said that I told them would be technically correct and not mean.


Emma said:
I feel hurt right now, do you mind if I cry? :cry: :? :(
I had the day from hell, someone at work said I walk funny, that I plod, and she asked what was wrong with me, I can't help the way I walk, I hurt my knee awhile ago and it sometimes plays up....and the rest, I guess is because I'm so nervous, I don't know why, but that one comment just really stings.

I was at the bank, and some stupid kid called me a redhead rat rooter (what does that mean anyway?)
And his mother was standing right next to him and let him do it.
So now I feel like the whole world hates me.
It's not like I ever wanted to be this way, but I can't change it, so why can't people accept that no-one is perfect.

And for an extra punch in the guts, I found out I have to pay $300 to see a specialist next week, that's half of what I earn!!!!
So now I'm sitting here realising what a stupid loser I am....I don't even know what the point of trying anymore is, I would just like to curl up in a dark corner and die. :cry: :oops: :x Even though I know all I'm going to do it get up tomorrow and go through it all again...sorry I'm complaining

Life is too short. Don`t tend to those thoughts. I`m sure all of us(including myself) have had the same experiences or we wouldnt be human. We all have negativity in our lives, which includes mean comments; work related sh#t;etc. The thing is most people guide their lives by positive experiences. It seems like us SA people always dwell on those negatives. Reprogram your mind to focus on those positive things about yourself and what those good things people have said to you. Totally disengage yourself with the negativity. It takes baby steps, but it does work

God luck