Using Pro Banthine to treat my Primary Cranio Facial HH


New member
Hi All,

Just found this forum and thought I'd drop in and say hi, and offer my story.

I'm 34yo female from Australia. I've suffered Primary Cranio Facial HH for as long as I can remember. Most of my family have it. I remember looking at my Dad one day and thinking "Gee he sweats a lot", it was only a few years later that I realized I was sweating as much as he was :(

Up until 10 months ago I lived a life of avoidance. I avoided going out, doing this, physical exercise, I made excuses and told lies to family, friends and colleagues, I did anything I could to avoid a situation that meant people would see how much I sweated.

I POUR water from my face / head and neck. Like many sufferers, its horrific. Its the most embarrassing condition and has caused me a world of pain and humiliation. I have given up SO MUCH because of this condition.

I tried all the topical applications - and while most worked, they left my skin stinging or itching, not to mention the time and difficulty involved in trying to apply liquids through to a scalp through long hair. I gave up on topical applications many years ago and consoled myself to the fact that this would never change. I kissed goodbye a normal future, convinced that a relationship was out of the question because of HH. Until 10 months ago.

10 months ago I was surfing the internet and decided to type HH into google, searching for news articles. An article on Pro Banthine came up, in it , a woman told of how her life with HH was completely changed because of this tablet.

I couldn't believe it! A tablet for HH! I booked a doctors appointment the next day, was sent for a dozen blood tests to rule out hormones and was referred to a dermatologist who diagnosed HH, and prescribed me the exact same drug!

Life since then has been amazing :) :) :)

I can be normal. I can live a normal life, I can get ready for work without turning into a puddle, I can do chores around the house without breaking out a waterfall. I can exercise, go out to parties, spend time with friends, laugh, be silly, spend all day on my feet, hang out in the heat and be completely dry because of this tablet.

I take 1 x 15mg tablet three times a day and its the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.

I hope that everyone on this forum finds what works for them and experiences the same joy I have xx


Its good to see Probanthine worked for you. Good of you to share. It gives others hope.
I tried it and found it too severe and only worked for a few hours, but it does indeed stop the sweating.
My soloution to underarm sweating came through the use of "Sweat Stop" Aluminium Chloride spray. Im now enjoying a normal life too and had my first summer where I didnt have to worry.
Really happy for you. :)


As a fellow aussie, im glad this drug worked for you.

i also have facial HH and i rely on this drug to get through summer, the only downside of this drug is the dry throat and dry eyes. so make sure to drink plenty of water and keep those eyes lubricated.