

Go for it! You'll never know if you don't try.

You say the guys you date are not our type. Now you see someone just like you, and because neither of you are outgoing, you might never get a chance. What if one of an extrovert of the female variety is working on snatching him up as we speak?

I don't give much love advice, but this seems to me like a no brainer. Don't ask me how to go about approaching him or anything, haha, becuase that's where the train of common sense runs off the tracks in my mind...



Well-known member
If he's the sky nice guy type you should know that if he you fit his taste he would proably appreciate your feelings more than common self confident guy would. He might be hard to open. But show that your feeling are real and try to approach him. He might not make a first move, you can very well have to do that. But if you fit you will make him as happy as yourself, if not more. I have never had any love and I don't see myself as a person who should have it but I am the shy type guy. Never seaing a person you're in love with can hurt alot. (In 9th and last elementary school grade I was strongly in love with a girl in my own class but I never showed anything. It did hurt separating.) Espcially if you the chance that you have now. He's a shy person as well and then probably single. This is a chance for you. Just a little curiosity, how old are you both? :3