I use to, well actually still get pretty embarressed posting. It's like did my post make any sense? is everyone gonna thinking i'm stupid? did i say the wrong thing ? type it with lots of mistakes? the list is endless, i've actually gone and deleted post i've made on forums too! and when i do start one or reply to one i usually am forever checking it wanting someone to reply so i can stop feeling so stupid about what i wrote... its pretty crazy.
but then at the end of the day we litterally have no clue who you are. we are all in the same boat and we definately are the last people in the world to judge you! so yeah just start off posting here, then move on to a one on one chat even chatting to someone through emails?? is that hard also? (i'm guessing yes).. just take it step by step as you said. But seriously this is the safest place to be no need to worry
we all feel exactly the same...
just go and reply to like 10 posts on here.. see how that goes.. ok maybe 5 or something, just trying posting as much as possible!