

I start university later this month, and I am worried that I won't fit in.

I look froward to the course but because I have had SP for so long now I dont know if I will mix well with people.

Has anyone here been to uni with SP?
I would be interested on what there experence was (or is) like



Well-known member
I finished three good years in college and still have two to go. I too thought i would not be able to do anything and would freak out and not have friends and people would call me freak all the time 8O , but none of that happened. I had, and still have, some real nice classmates and understanding teachers. :)

Just calm down and don't make problems out of nothing. Always remember that {Big part of the problem we have is because of us making it bigger than it should be}.

Good luck. :)


Well-known member
I quit college the first time in college because the medication I had then didn't work well enough. I'm now going back after about 6 years out of school and I'm doing fine with straight A's since I've been back(almost a year). I owe my success to Xanax XR which keeps me calm all day long.


Well-known member
I'm at my school right now....I've got another hour before I have to leave for class.

I'm here, and I'm still scared. I expected a lot of things to be different, I thought making new friends would be easier for me now. I've been here a few weeks now, but I haven't made any new friends. All I have is my best friend, who's also my roommate. I have no idea how to even make friends, no one talks to each other in class and I never see the same people more than a couple of times. I'm very lucky to have my friend here, but I want to have some good friends around like I did back in the city that I came from, and I'm afraid now that that's just not going to happen.


Well-known member
Im 3 years into my 4 years course (it goes so fast!)

The week b4 i started i was sick everynight with anxiety. I was moving out for the first time 5 hours drive from my family and I didnt have a car back then :?.

However as soon as I was on my own and my parents had gone home I made friends and things where fine. Before I went to uni I had very little social experience. If I hadnt gone to uni i would still be living at home with no real friends and I would still feel pathetic.

The first week was hard tho, lectures and new people are daunting for people like me, but stick at it and it will be the best thing you could ever do!

Best of luck and let us know how u get on :wink:


I started uni this september. So far it looks like pretty nice place and im excited about my studies but i have no idea how im going to make any friends. Im quite sure im not going to make any mates but it's ok i have already accepted that. At least i got my old friend in the same uni.


Thanks everyone for responding, the comments have been really helpfull.

I guess my biggest fear is people seeing me as being no fun, because I get so anxious around people I dissapear into myself and cant let myself go.

I hope this wont be the case when I get into the swing of things.



Well-known member
university is tough unless you have the same people in your classes all the time, which you usually don't. Im in my last year of university, and the first year made lots of friends, but when my sa developped, i met people in class but never spoke to them after the semester was over. sometimes you'll see people that you'll recognize in the halls, in which case just say hi, and ask about their major & etc. Also you could try joining a club. In my first year I forced myself to audition as a committee member for a fashion show, i got it, and it was truely a wonderful experience. I met so many fantastic people, and always had something to do with my time!

good luck