Understand and control your anxiety once and for all...


Well-known member

What helped me the most was understanding my mind's reasoning behind all my social phobias and anxieties - like the perceptions and expectations of myself that were driving my anxiety and other problems. Once I understood the driving forces behind my anxiety, I could learn to better control it.

Anxiety and social phobia is your minds way of protecting yourself based on your own perceptions of the world. The anxiety isnt the problem itself - rather its more of a symptom of our own preceptions and how we see ourselves and the world around us - Its those preceptions and expectations that drive the high anxiety and social fear.

Anyone who wants to know exactly their underlying cause of social fear and anxiety needs to see this site- Its www.untroddenmind.com - Its an incredible gem of information and its honestly changed my life for the better.

It helped me understand how my mind works and how to rebalance my anxiety and social fears. The site is set up like a book, so it will take time to go through it all - its complex at times, but I assure you..its well worth the effort.

Hopefully it can help you guys too..best of luck to everyone here and hope you find the help you need.
