Uncomfortable with family


Well-known member
Hm, what has she based her theories on?

Some people read too many pop psychology books or articles and think they know it all?
It may also be that your siblings are jealous and trying to get attention of your parents..

Are you living with your parents and how is it like when it's just the three of you, without sis or bro?


Well-known member
i think because i'm soo quiet and havent gotten used to her yet,she thinks that quiet people are the ones to out for and i think wen you luk at a lot of murder cases people say things like "he was a loner and kept to himself and never said much or he was weird around people" so i think that she has finalised that because i'm soo quiet im thinking of murdering sum1 or sumtin,
i doubt its an attention thing as they both spend loads of tym wit the parents but i dont
wen im wit my parents we really jus stick 2 basic topics such as them them asking how skul is goin and if i study cause i spend lots of tym on the computer and if its nt skul related then they luk at with aluk that says" wat have we created?"


Well-known member
Were you brought up away from your parents or did you just grow your separate ways through teenage years? (happens a lot)

Maybe look into 'hikkikomori' and 'internet addiction' - they can be real problems and parents and sis may be concerned about that. (My sis is somewhat addicted to internet games too.. And I may be a bit addicted to internet forums, googling/researching things and such..)

Maybe they are just afraid of that, or have a different sense of humor?

PS Your parents sound a bit strange lol. Are they very 'normal' people and you are a bit more creative/offbeat?


Well-known member
hahaha!!! yeah my parents function normally in society lol its that wen they interact with me since im an awkward kind of person,i dont think they have come across sum1 lyk me even less who is their son. i know if i cud go out into the world normally i wudnt be on the internet aalll day its jus that i have nothing else to do at home but to be on the internet


Well-known member
lol mine function normally in the society too and may be clueless when it comes to us kids, lol..

nothing to do - is this only a problem in the summer, cause it's the holidays, or otherwise too?

I'd definitely look for any interesting volunteering opportunities or workshops/courses.. You can meet some really cool and fun people that way... And maybe it would even help convince your family you're an okay person?

I'm a terrible person sometimes, so I'd probably start to joke with your sis about this, like 'Beware' or something, though if she has no sense of humor this could be a dangerous thing-?? (My sis and I have threatened to kill each other multiple times, when we were little kiddies, though we always stand up for each other if necessary too.. I don't use those words anymore, though I've heard little kids say it all the time.. It may not mean anything.. Luckily my sis does have a sense of humor!!)

Do you and your sis have any common interests? Like books or movies? Sis and I have different taste in some, like some both though... It could be really helpful if you find something you both are interested in and like to talk about??


Well-known member
yep,basically even on holidays though sumtyms i went to visit cousins n such.problem with those programs is that u hav 2 work with people and my personality actully scares people off as they think im boring,etc the only me n my sis have in common is spirituality which she thinks )even though she hasnt said it i can tell)i shudnt be in as she thinks all i have are bad thoughts going thru my head, she makes comments randomly lyk the avatar is coming and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.