Uhh.. Living on my own...


Well-known member
:? I just moved out on my own. Annnnd I feel bad. I sit here, alone. zzz. And then when I go out, I look like a grumpy little bitch, because I feel so nervous. And I get angry at myself because I can't approach people, or smile at them. It's the worst with guys that I find attractive, I totally ignore the fact that they exist, even though in reality I want to be like "HI! :)".

I don't know how I am going to meet anyone. I'm too shy to do anything on my own, unless I am on a mission, to buy something, from somewhere. And I'm so scared to see someone I know, and then not know that it's them, but in reality I do know it's them, and then have to talk to them, and then blush because I am talking to them. :roll:

I know.. This is a rant. I just don't know what to do. I'm so scared of getting stuck in a rut, here. If anyone has anything to say, say it. :)


Well-known member
I am curently going thru the same problem as you except I have n't moved out yet. I hope to do that this year. Anyway it is fustrateing that is dam near impossiable to find people like us in our location. Some of the best people Ive meet have been online but I know they are half way around the globe.

It beginning to look like we are going to have to socialize with the outgoing types because the people who understand us are invisible. What I mean by that is since we are all shy we have a dificult time finding each other even if its just to go hang out or watch a movie.

I was going to suggest joining a group for people with anxiety . We tried that in my city but the attendence was so poor that we had to cancle the group.


Well-known member
ahahaha that's funny. sorry. a group for people with social anxiety. I don't know if I would be able to go to something like that. I'd feel too.... I don't know.. SOCIALLY ANXIOUS? :lol: Maybe not though. I'd feel weird about the people who didn't have anxiety seeing me go to an anxiety group meeting. :p
yeah, I'm pretty nervous too about when I'm actually going to move out and live on my own. But I have to eventually. Its kinda scary for me at least. I can't even be independent yet. I hope things eventually get better for you. Yeah, I'm not much of a help just thought I'd say something.


Well-known member
I moved out to another country and living on my own. That sucks. I'm all alone. Not able to make friends to see at the weekend although it's been 3 months already. And if you add on to that the fact that I lived here 6 months last year, I'm totally miserable :( :( :(


Well-known member
:( I'm sorry to hear that Iknow. Maybe you could try joining a group that does something you enjoy. That way you can focus on something you love, and not feel forced to be social, unless you decide?


Well-known member
Well the problem is I'm not that chatty. I cant start conversations with people unless they start. I think I'm boring. To get more socialize I expect people to invite out etc but that doesn't happen and as you can understand I'm so shy that I cant do that. And I feel like I'm boring. I can only talk to people likes what I like and cant find any topic to talk with other people. Esp with people I dont know that well.
However when I'm in my hometown, I'm always out with my friends and never have such problems with talking or finding topics. And I really have so many friends there. But here it doesn't happen. I'm really depressed. I dont know how other new people meet up others and get friends so easily but I cant :(

RedRibbons said:
:( I'm sorry to hear that Iknow. Maybe you could try joining a group that does something you enjoy. That way you can focus on something you love, and not feel forced to be social, unless you decide?


Active member
I move out of home a couple of days ago and so far I hate it. My whole life I've lived in a household where there has always been people around. The loneliness is unbearable.

Also I don't like change, such as new job, new course etc. I'll stick it out because it is still early days. I hope it gets better, I don't think it can get any worse.


Well-known member
Well, alltoomuch, I'm in the same boat. So we'll stick it out together. Or at least know that someone else is going through the same thing. I hope things get better for you, maybe you should get a pet cat or a rabbit or something? It might make it less lonely. I've considered it, but, I might have to wait a little while, till I'm more settled.


Active member
I'm going to use the same technique as zeroday. My parents are only a 3 minute drive away and I have been visiting them a lot. I think it would be better to slowly get used to living alone rather then going cold turkey.

When living with my parents I enjoyed it when I had the home to myself. But that was the exception, now being by myself is the norm. It is not so much the social interaction that I miss. It is just having people around, making noise, seeing them walk by etc.


RedRibbons said:
:? I just moved out on my own. Annnnd I feel bad. I sit here, alone. zzz. And then when I go out, I look like a grumpy little bitch, because I feel so nervous. And I get angry at myself because I can't approach people, or smile at them. It's the worst with guys that I find attractive, I totally ignore the fact that they exist, even though in reality I want to be like "HI! :)".

I don't know how I am going to meet anyone. I'm too shy to do anything on my own, unless I am on a mission, to buy something, from somewhere. And I'm so scared to see someone I know, and then not know that it's them, but in reality I do know it's them, and then have to talk to them, and then blush because I am talking to them. :roll:

Next time you feel lonely, call me. I will care for you, and respect you not matter what. You are a very beautiful woman who deserves the finer things in life.


Well-known member
That's sweet kyle, thanks. :p hehe.

It's turning out to be.. not so bad! I've only really been living here for two weeks, so I can't expect miracles in that short of time. ^^


I'll be moving out on my own soon to, in about 6 months. I'm getting a place up in northwestern California coastline area where the weather hardly ever dips below forty or above eighty degrees Fahrenheit all year round. I'll have the beach on one side and the redwood forest on the other and it just seems like somewhere I'd like to live. I have enough solitary hobbies where people aren't a big priority in my life anymore. The little social interactions of the daily errands and smalltalks with neighbors are enough for me. If it becomes a bad experience, I know my family will always be around to support me. They know I'm trying to get past a rough chapter in my life, and I'm going to to what I'm going to do until I get myself out of it.



Well-known member
SilentType said:
I'll be moving out on my own soon to, in about 6 months. I'm getting a place up in northwestern California coastline area where the weather hardly ever dips below forty or above eighty degrees Fahrenheit all year round. I'll have the beach on one side and the redwood forest on the other and it just seems like somewhere I'd like to live. I have enough solitary hobbies where people aren't a big priority in my life anymore. The little social interactions of the daily errands and smalltalks with neighbors are enough for me. If it becomes a bad experience, I know my family will always be around to support me. They know I'm trying to get past a rough chapter in my life, and I'm going to to what I'm going to do until I get myself out of it.

sounds beautiful silenttype....good luck to you :!:


New member
Thank god I'm not the only one! I'm single, in my early thirties, and I will soon be moving out from home. One of the main reasons I've waited so long is this fear of being alone. I've always thought it was just me...that there's something wrong with me. But I just googled "living on my own" and came across this post. RedRibbons, you are very courageous in sharing your story with the world and opening a discussion for others. :D

My concern is what will I do when I'm just putzing around my place (nothing specific to do) and there's no one in particular (or familiar) to chat with?


Active member
RedRibbons said:
:? I just moved out on my own. Annnnd I feel bad. I sit here, alone. zzz. And then when I go out, I look like a grumpy little bitch, because I feel so nervous. And I get angry at myself because I can't approach people, or smile at them. It's the worst with guys that I find attractive, I totally ignore the fact that they exist, even though in reality I want to be like "HI! :)".

I don't know how I am going to meet anyone. I'm too shy to do anything on my own, unless I am on a mission, to buy something, from somewhere. And I'm so scared to see someone I know, and then not know that it's them, but in reality I do know it's them, and then have to talk to them, and then blush because I am talking to them. :roll:

I know.. This is a rant. I just don't know what to do. I'm so scared of getting stuck in a rut, here. If anyone has anything to say, say it. :)

I still live with my parents and have never lived on my own, so I cannot possibly know what you are going through. I have plans on getting out of my parents house and home town this summer but I have no idea where I am going. The plan is simply to get out of here. I am scared out of my mind though. I have always lived with my parents except for six weeks last Autumn I lived with my dad's sister and her new husband. That turned out to be a horrible idea though because they verbally/emotionally abused me. So I pretty much lost my confidence on moving away and being without my parents. I am still kind of young I guess (turning 21 in June), but still. My younger sister is already moved out and is out in the world. I feel like the younger one! But we are totally different, opposites even. She is loud, will speak her mind, is popular, goes out all the time, has had many boyfriends, etc. I am quiet, barely talk, find it hard to express myself and my emotions, lost all my friends by grade ten, am basically a hermit, have never been in a relationship, etc. So yeah, I can just see myself being a complete wreck when I move away from my parents, home town, and comfort zone. I might never leave the house! Anyways, sorry for going on about myself :oops:


Well-known member
Pawprints said:
Thank god I'm not the only one! I'm single, in my early thirties, and I will soon be moving out from home. One of the main reasons I've waited so long is this fear of being alone. I've always thought it was just me...that there's something wrong with me. But I just googled "living on my own" and came across this post. RedRibbons, you are very courageous in sharing your story with the world and opening a discussion for others. :D

My concern is what will I do when I'm just putzing around my place (nothing specific to do) and there's no one in particular (or familiar) to chat with?

wow.. this post came up in a google search. O_O interesting! haha. You can always take up a hobby, or some activity. If you don't want to go out and be around a lot of people, do something at home, or if you do want to go socialize you can join a group! :) Good luck!


Well-known member
outcastlonerfreak said:
RedRibbons said:
:? I just moved out on my own. Annnnd I feel bad. I sit here, alone. zzz. And then when I go out, I look like a grumpy little bitch, because I feel so nervous. And I get angry at myself because I can't approach people, or smile at them. It's the worst with guys that I find attractive, I totally ignore the fact that they exist, even though in reality I want to be like "HI! :)".

I don't know how I am going to meet anyone. I'm too shy to do anything on my own, unless I am on a mission, to buy something, from somewhere. And I'm so scared to see someone I know, and then not know that it's them, but in reality I do know it's them, and then have to talk to them, and then blush because I am talking to them. :roll:

I know.. This is a rant. I just don't know what to do. I'm so scared of getting stuck in a rut, here. If anyone has anything to say, say it. :)

I still live with my parents and have never lived on my own, so I cannot possibly know what you are going through. I have plans on getting out of my parents house and home town this summer but I have no idea where I am going. The plan is simply to get out of here. I am scared out of my mind though. I have always lived with my parents except for six weeks last Autumn I lived with my dad's sister and her new husband. That turned out to be a horrible idea though because they verbally/emotionally abused me. So I pretty much lost my confidence on moving away and being without my parents. I am still kind of young I guess (turning 21 in June), but still. My younger sister is already moved out and is out in the world. I feel like the younger one! But we are totally different, opposites even. She is loud, will speak her mind, is popular, goes out all the time, has had many boyfriends, etc. I am quiet, barely talk, find it hard to express myself and my emotions, lost all my friends by grade ten, am basically a hermit, have never been in a relationship, etc. So yeah, I can just see myself being a complete wreck when I move away from my parents, home town, and comfort zone. I might never leave the house! Anyways, sorry for going on about myself :oops:

I can understand how that would make your opinion on moving out a little grave... but you know, your dad's sister and her husband are not the rest of the world. There are crappy people out there, yes, but by encountering those people, you can learn to be a stronger person. Them being assholes to you may have been harmful, but also helpful. Anyway! It's totally cool to go on about yourself here, that way other people can share their experience and perspective and advice. :)