Trying to get to the bottom of things...


Well-known member
it seems pretty clear what the actual symptoms of SP are, but...i want to see if any of us have a bit more in common, it would be quiter interesting if we did ^^
there are just some things about me i think could be linked to social phobia, stuff like having CRAP reflexes, i just cant play any video games involving quick reflexes >.<. I also do a hell of a lot of music (classical too...), i'm in all the school orchestras, and i am good at the sight reading bit. But i definately struggle with technique and understanding what's really going on. Sport is a huge problem too...coordination!! argh!

With the piano for example...i cant sight read 2 hands at all, it just doesnt work out. BUT i can only learn pieces for memory, then it. Its just automatic, i dont hve to memorize it really... I dont know if thats a good example, maybe it's just me. But everything i'm good at is extremely visual-based, i'm succesful at art, and can do all of the visual side of music.

I hope you managed to read some of what i just said...basically i want to know if anyone else here does everythig VISUALLY, and is 'bad' at any other aspects of....sense. Its quite interesting looking at these things. wel i think it is....(i know none of that made sense..)


Active member
I think I made sense of what you were saying. My reaction time would be off if I am continuously concentrated on not embarrassing myself. I know I gave up organized sports when I was younger because I felt lost in trying to compete in sports. I lacked concentration in following what was going on around me.