Trying to figure it all out...

Hi. This is my first post here although it probably won't be short... :)

I believe that I suffer from Social Anxiety / Hyperhidrosis. What I don't know is which caused what or how they are related. Also, the conditions that cause my anxiety are kinda strange. I've seem to have always been a "heavy sweater" (even if I'm not having anxiety) and "shy". The thought of public speaking or giving a presentation, or attending a social gathering sends varying degrees of terror throughout my body. This I can understand, but this next part is what has me confused...

I can go into a gymnasium and watch a basketball game and everything is fine. If I go into the same gymnasium for an awards ceremony where other people are speaking to the audience, I will begin to feel nervous. Then I will feel a bead of sweat form on my head (my hyperhidrosis btw, is from my head and face). At this point it is all over. I immediately know that I am starting to sweat and noticing that nobody else is sweating, start to become embarrased and imagine that everyone must be looking at me which makes me sweat even worse until it is dripping from my face and running down my back. I think that seeing other people speaking publicly makes me "sympathize" with them and I start to panic "on their behalf". Does this make any sense? If I leave the gym, everything is immediately better. If it is hot in the gym, it is 1000X worse. Thanks for reading my post and I hope to read some of your comments and ideas how I may be able to deal with this or better yet, cure it.