Trying to be yourself...


Well-known member
When I try to be myself, I'm overwhelmed by anxiety and feelings of inferiority. But when I hide my "true self", which I always do, I live perpetually depressed... I'm lost.


Well-known member
Don't try to be yourself and don't try to hide it. Just walk around with "ya I know I suck... I'm quiet thats just the way I am... you wanna talk, step up to the plate" kind of feeling.

Thats what I started doing at work and I if people started talking to me I wouldn't even really be thinking about it or what I was saying back. I was just not really caring. This kind of loosened me up a bit unintentionally... not fighting it and not trying to change. But it got me a lot more comfortable being around others at work at least like this to the point where my real self actually does come out every now and then. Even to the point where people are actually talking to me normal or feeling like they can just ask a question or joke with me a bit or something. Sure I'm still quiet and I still get in a rut if I start thinking crap what do I say now this convo is dead... but anyway its a start at least.


Well-known member
You are yourself. There's no way to fail at being who you are. I think it's more fun to step OUTSIDE the self, but that's just my own personal opinion. If all else fails, you can still go back to just plain old you.


In a sense, maybe you are inferior. I am. My SA makes it virtually impossible to express myself. I am inferior at expressing my opinions to/with a group of other people, even though I may be the most knowledgeable person there.

*Exactly* why my mind goes to such extreme lengths to protect me from exposing my thought processes and personality to other people (who might riddicule, manipulate, dismiss, or ignore me) I do not know.


Well-known member
Well I agree with sketchy 24. I think that the only way to be your real self is to not think about it at all. Lately ive been trying to focus on individual fears that come up and accept them which is the complete opposite to what i did before - which was trying to ignore the fear by continuing to try and be like i think i could be if only for the anxiety which creates even more anxiety and frustration. But obviously this is easier said than done. Ive always thought in terms of a 'true self' as opposed to the way i am now as well but im beginning to think that way of looking at it could be a really bad way of looking at it because your always in conflict with yourself looking for some elusive 'true self' and much of that is just a figment of your imagination anyway.